chapter 10

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Bryanna Nunez

Oh damn.. this girl.. Bryanna fucking Nunez .. this girl is my everything.. my ride or die.. my right hand. this girl means the world to me and she always will

This girl has been through every single situation in my life that I have been through.

Bryanna Nunez , let me tell you a story about the short , beautiful , Mexican girl who everyone thinks is Asian , who made the greatest impact in my life , and I will forever be thankful and appreciative of her

Because this girl , will forever be my best friend and I'm very happy to call her that.

You might have read the part where I met Bryanna in the first chapter of me going to my first day of 6th grade. She was in the same homeroom as I , mrs trees.

She was one of the bad ass kids you'll see in your class, but she has the most greatest personality you'll ever see.

She made everyone in class laugh and she made everyone in class shock as well.. mrs trees  hated her .. and would always pick on her only in our history class.

She would make Bryanna call her mom and her mom would want to talk to mrs trees.. and of course Bryannas mom put mrs trees in her place, which was the most funniest thing in the world.

Everyone in class was shocked.

Throughout all the years since 10th grade.. we've been through so many things.. a bunch of ups and some downs .. during those downs it made me feel so horrible because this girl meant a lot to me.. I mean she was the only girl am super super super close to.

She's the only one who knows my deepest secrets and the only one I trust with my entire life.

We went through our many first times together .. she taught me many things and Vice versa.

I also saw her in some bad moments .. and I always stuck by her side through everything and she did the same with me, and I am the one with the most problems .. and she still became my best friend and still continued to be my best friend even though she heard so many rumors about me.

There was one time , I think in either 7th or 8th grade.. a group of girls ..






These girls were known as the popular Mexicans .. I don't know how the hell they were popular since none of them were pretty , expect Danna she was the only good looking one.

I began dating this boy named Erik avendano , who you will hear more of in the story.. and he was dannas ex.. and that's when Danna began to hate me and they all began to go against me.. and Bryanna too.. I have no idea why but they just wanted to hate on her too.

Bryanna and I , we were both in the bathroom .. looking at ourselves in the mirror until Adela , Patricia and Danna arrived in the bathroom and began to block the exit for us and began to laugh ..

I was scared to pass by.. I was a pussy back then so..

Bryanna just went through them and pushed them to the wall so because she did it , I did it also. And they became even more angry with us.

They went on Bryannas ex boyfriends profile pic and began to comment things like

Hot 🥰


He's your boyfriend Maria you should date him 😍

That made Bryanna even more pissed .. and what they did to me is that they began to comment on some post .. I really don't remember and began to make fun of me because I would cut myself and Erik as well since he was a victim of self harm as well.

We got them suspended .. and they got even mad at us but of course we had to have a mediation form on us

A mediation is for students who had problems kinda like us , we can't make fun of each other or even say each other's name or even be close to each other or we'd get suspended for doing anything

And guess what

Even if Bryanna went through all of that because I began dating this one boy

She still stuck by my side.. she still stuck by my side through my entire depression , my suicide attempts , my bullying experience , my heart breaks .. she continued to be with me even if it was something that involved her in any negative way, she still stuck by my fucking side and thats what made me so fucking happy to call her my best friend wait not even my best friend, my fucking sister.

Some of the negative things that affected both of us is what we went through when she decided that she was tired of hearing about my problems and did not want to be friends with me anymore

And that happen a couple times .. and during those times .. you have no fucking idea how bad I wanted to cry and I felt so fucking horrible.

I mean what are you suppose to do in a situation like that if your best friend who literally went through every single shitty moment in your life just wants to suddenly leave ?

I tried everything to make her be my best friend again during those times .. and I was successful

I mean , I felt horrible also in telling her so many fucking problems about me .. but I mean I had no one else to talk to about them.

Bryanna .. if one day we do go our separate ways after high school and might not ever see each other again because we might have our own families , careers , college ? To think about .. I just want you to know that I will always thank you for being the greatest best friend/ sister I can ever receive because I mean who else would have dealt with all this shit ?

Just know that I will always love you and be extremely grateful for what you did because like I said who else would have put up with me?

Just know if you don't leave my life after high school

You hella gonna be a tia or godmother

and i hope that i get to be the tia or godmother to any of your future children and that we continue to be best friends until we become the two little old ladies living in the same retirement home, causing hell to the nurses as much as we caused in our entire middle and high school years

I love you so fucking much, more than anything in the world

thank you .

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