Chapter 39

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My grandmother.

a grandmother  is suppose to be someone who protects you when your mother wants to yell at you or hit you.

she is suppose to be someone who feeds you so many times till you gain so much weight but still loves you so much.

a grandma is suppose to be someone who thinks about you all the time and wants to give you the best gift and you love it even if its the smallest thing ever.

my grandmother was not like that.

my grandmother was the one who ruined my life, and i think shes the one of the reasons why i got depression.

my grandmother hurt me so fucking much, i mean shes one of the reasons my mother lost trust in me just because she put things into my moms head, shes an old school woman, and she would say that mental illness is not real. depression is not real. She's just saying that because she wants attention.

she was like my dad

someone who didn't want me to hurt my mom but didn't care if I continued to hurt myself, she was the one who tried to convince my mother to lock me up in a mental hospital and just leave me there.

She made my mom say one time that she wanted to give me up for adoption.

That day , was the most fucking saddest days of my life I mean how the fuck would you feel if your mother said she wanted to give you up for adoption ?

it broke my fucking heart

when I was younger, she would make fun of my weight and do it until I started crying and she began laughing at me.

she was also a bitch to my mother which made me the most angriest.

I mean .. don't get me wrong .. sometimes she was nice to me. But I will never forgive her for what she has done to me.

Two times , at Christmas dinners.. when we had our entire family over. They would begin talking about me and then my grandmother would say

" if she was my daughter back in Mexico , I would have beaten the shit out of her and she would have forgotten everything about being sad, I would have forced her to go work so she wouldn't be thinking about being sad "

She would also say things like

" the people who want to kill themselves should just do it because that's what she wants "

My grandmother is also the kind of mom who thinks her children are angels.

My uncle abuses my aunt , and when one of my cousins finally reported it to her school and my grandmother found out . You have no idea how much shit she talks.

She despises my cousin for reporting it since she thinks that her son is a complete angel

which pisses the fuck out of me.

she treats my mom like shit and treats her sons like angels, she thinks that's a woman should be the one cleaning the house and taking care of the children while the men go work and sleep all day.

My mom raised her brothers while my grandmother didn't do shit all day, my mom would go out to sell bread at 5 am till 12 pm and come home to be forced to do chores and be treated like shit

my mother had depression in her teen years , and she never had any support , she just felt like more shit every time my grandmother came around.

And that's how I feel today.

I will never forgive her for what she did to my mother and I

She ruined my life

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