chapter 27

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4.0 gpa



and teachers

three of the most toughest and shittest things you gotta see and deal with basically everyday of your entire life. but i mean like everyone says, i guess those three things actually help you with something in your life. but i guess school, espically ofarrell is the fucking school who made a huge ass impact in my life. both positive and negative, but negative in so many ways, but i mean surprisingly for the first time in my entire life.

i was able to get a 4.0 gpa


i have a cousin, whos name im not going to say.. that is completly smarter than me. and something that annoys both my mother and i. that my aunt treats her like an angel. every time any and it doesnt matter ANY of my fucking aunts are around her. she always like to compliment or bring up her daughter in a conversation saying

" my daughter has 5 certificates "

" shes such a good girl"

" she doesn't do anything bad"

" she doesnt have a boyfriend , so she wont get distracted in school"

bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .

first of all, your daughter is hella smart. but ive met the side of her that you haven't yet. making out with her boyfriend while shes on top of him? during school hours? in a place where basically everyone can see her? getting suspended for drugs? getting refferals and in trouble? thats not an angel to me. and what pissed me off the most is that my aunt was the kind of bitchy aunts who liked to make rumors about you and spread it around your entire family. she told my family that she always saw me with different boys, that shes seen me smoke before, that im 4 months pregant, that i have had sex with 20 different guys.

the most bitchy aunt.

but i mean i gotta admit, i was jealous of my cousin. better grades, and espically better looking than me. and she was also the one who told her mother all those things about me. so just to get back at her my mom would tell me to surpass her, prove my aunt wrong that i can get better grades than her and that i can become better and i'm not that bitchy person that she's basically making my entire family thing i am. i worked my ass off, stayed up till 3 am doing homework and went to tutoring after school to have good grades.

and bam

i fucking did it.

i got a 4.0 gpa and made it on honor roll and deans list right next to my fucking cousin and i proved that bitch wrong! she even asked my mom, " how did your daughter get a 4.0 gpa? is she finally studying hard?" she actually had the audacity to ask my mom that. so because she had to ask that, i continued to get deans list, i continued to get A's , i continued to fucking work my ass off to prove her wrong. and every time i brought a report card home with good grades and i got certificates for deans list and honor roll my mom would show them off to my aunt, and her fucking ego finally calmed the hell down.

i mean isn't that what you do to calm a bitchy ass aunt down?

my entire family was proud of me, but i mean.. i also had a role model and a inspiration to be like this, to actually get the 4.0 gpa i wanted.

my uncle, Ricardo.

my uncle, is the only one in my household who finished high school, who graduated college, who continued his studies and made it to cal poly university to become an engineer. and being from Mexico, not knowing the language and having some troubles, he still worked his ass off and made it to the top. you have no idea how much my uncle has inspired me to work hard and achieve every single god damn goal i want to achieve. people who have the opportunity to go higher and achieve so many goals other people want to, dont take the chance to do it. my uncle had many opportunity's taken away from him since he is not from here. he was not able to get an entire scholarship he earned, the scholarship he was going to recieve was going to give him a full ride to the university of his dreams, but since he is not from here.. he only recieved half and it broke his heart. school means the world to my uncle.. and sometimes when he feels like he wants to give up, he doesn't and he works even harder.

my uncle , since he is not from here.. had his work visa expired, and was not able to work to earn the money he needed to pay off his college tuition.. so my grandmother had to work 2 jobs, being 53 and diabetic, worked day and night to get the money her son needed just for him to go to school. and what my uncle did to repay my grandmother..

Was to still kick ass in school.

my uncle was able to go to Harvard, but since that school did not have what he wanted to study for, he instead went to cal poly, to become an engineer. today.. my uncle was forced to leave the united states by ice, and is in the process of receiving his legal status here in america.. but what hurts him and my entire family the most is that my uncle was suppose to graduate in december.. and finally finishing his school after 7 years of working hard.. but since now he's in tj, and the process for him to get his legal status takes over 6 months, he will not be able to graduate in december and all his hard work was for nothing.

other people in the world have the opportunity to go to college, get scholarships, have so many opportunity's my uncle was not able to get, but the thing that makes me the most sad, is that instead of going to college , they decided to get pregnant at a young age, do drugs or just give up and work at a fast food restaurant.

thats why forever and always

my uncle will be the reason why i work harder and achieve greater.

for him I will achieve.

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