Chapter 48

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Bryanna Nunez again❤️





Are 4 things that are very important to me..

But the girl who I consider the most impactful the most amazing in my life is the girl you already met twice.

Bryanna fucking Nunez.

that badass beautiful bitch.

Ever since you entered my life in 6th grade , you've made it the greatest. You've been through every single tough moment in my life and I can't believe we've been best friends for 5 years now.. it's incredible isn't it? You see those post on Instagram or Facebook that people after middle school don't continue to be friends or become even more distant. But bitch I think we became sister after middle school.

You went through every single heart break, ever single drama , every single problem every single fucking thing with me. You became such an important person in my life and you have no idea how grateful how fucking grateful I am to still have you in my life.

You taught me so many things, you taught me to stop being a shy ass goody two shoes and actually become a bad bitch ! You were the one who taught me to stop being shy and show people who's fucking boss, you were the one who taught me to stop being an ugly bitch, wearing glasses and not taking care of myself to someone who looks 10x better than I did before.

You became a huge part of my life. You became one of the reasons why I recovered from my severe depression, your always one of the people I can rely on when I need someone. Your always the first person I text at school if I ever have a panic attack to meet up in the bathrooms to talk to.

You make me laugh , laughs I never knew I had before, you make me laugh until I piss myself which is something so great about you. You always know how to cheer someone up and be there for someone whenever they need someone.

Remember during middle school where you dropped andres lunch out of his hands for me ?

Remember when you pushed those girls out of the way in the bathroom for me ?

Remember when you cussed the shit out of girls who wanted to go against me ?

remember that you were the shoulder I always wanted to cry on ?

you completely changed my life.. and I'm so grateful to call you my sister. I know you'll never backstab me or go against me because your one of the most loyal friends I ever had. Someone who has stuck by my side through anything and everything.

Even though we might have had some bad moments .. we still went through them and still stuck by each other sides through every single tough shit we've been through.

You ain't my best friend

Your my god damn sister.

no other girl can compare to you bro I swear to god.

I can't wait to get drunk with you in clubs or have the best parties in the world with you.

I can't wait to travel the entire world with our husbands or for I to be your maid of honor and stand there for your special day.

We've been through crazy shit together.

like crazy as fuck.

but what I'm trying to say, is that I love you girl, I love you so fucking much and I'm so happy that your apart of my family now and that I consider you as my sister.

your my ride or die bitch

my everything

And you'll always be.

I hope after high school we're still those bad ass bitches that were meant to be and we don't forget about each other

Because I'm trying to make you my child's godmother girl

I love you

And I want to say thanks

Thank you for everything

Thank you for staying in my life

Thank you for being my sister

And most importantly

Thank you for being you

I love you girl forever and always.

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