Chapter 35

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Jesus montes

Ahhhhh , Jesus montes.

I think he was probably one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my entire life.

ready to find out?

I first met montes in my biology class, I had him in there with me.. I always thought he was cute before.. so I decided to grow some fucking balls and text him.

I told him I thought the was cute and he said he thought I was cute too.

we texted each other for a while, he was the sweetest to me. He always knew how to make me smile or either giggle. He told me he was 17 years old and in sophomore year. I was a freshmen and I was 14. We talked for a while until he told me that we couldn't talk anymore since his mother didn't want him to have a girlfriend.

that was stupid asf

17 years old and paying attention to his mother?

I was kinda hurt, I mean he made me happy and ever since David broke up with me that's what I looked for in a guy.

After a month , on December 20 .. he texted me and asked me why we haven't talked in a long time .. and i told him , because his mother didn't let him talk to me anymore until he decided to ask me out

And I said yes .

we dated for a year and 5 months.. and I kinda think I wasted a year of my entire life on him.

I mean don't get me wrong, he was able to make me smile and he always knew how to make me happy.

he always got me the valentine or Christmas gifts I always want , and he would always buy me food whenever I asked for it.

We also got in the part of the relationship where he met my parents and I met his entire family basically .

he was also the main chambelan in my quinceañera.

he also introduced me to sexual things I've never done before in my entire life.

I mean that's something I didn't like about him.

he was too sexual, we had a place after school where we would stand. and all he wanted to do is either grab my ass or place his hands on my tits. And I got super annoyed of it.

he was also too clingy.

every day he wanted to be with me, every single second of the day. I told him he should give me some space and let me be with my friends but all he wanted to do was be by my side the entire time.

and also whenever I tried to bring up one of my problems , he tries to change the subject and brings up his instead which pissed me off even more.

I also had Spanish class with him, and I sat next to him.. and he would always try to either grab my pussy or try to put his hands in my pants .. I would smack his hand or yell at him telling him to stop, but when I couldn't handle it anymore, I made David trade seats with him.

that's where David and I began to create a closer friendship.

in like the 1 year and 4th or 3rd month of montes and i dating and David sitting next to me .. I became more flirty with David.. I would either lay my head on his shoulder , hold onto his arm or smile and laugh with him a lot.

that would piss montes off

he would tell me that he doesn't want me talking or even being next to David anymore, but I wouldn't listen to him because one , I was still in love with David since a long time ago and two because I began to lose feelings for montes.

montes would be the kind of people who tried to scare you with his anger but you knew for sure he wouldn't do shit.

" I Can kill someone when I get very angry "

some dumb bullshit he came
Up with.

there was also one time where he and his father got into a huge fight and he started crying .. and of course his sister had to text my sister and bother us with questions asking if montes can come to my house because he started crying

I felt so annoyed

I wasn't his fucking baby sitter

he's 18 years old , crying over a fucking fight he had ?

what a cry baby .

I was so fucking over him .

every time he would text me , it would take me either 4 or 8 hours for me to respond back , when he would kiss me I would not want to kiss him back or when he would hug me I would push him away.

Something that montes probably thought to himself that would get my attention was sending me nudes or videos of himself either jerking off or showing his dick off would get my attention.

It disgusted me so much

I even yelled at him telling him to fucking stop because I didn't and never asked for him in the first place to send anything like that.

just being with him disgusted me a lot.

and everyone In school thought he was weird asf

you know how girls want a boyfriend who would protect them through anything ? To cuss out a guy who wants to talk shit about you ?

he was a pussy

he wouldn't protect me

He wouldn't make me laugh

he wouldn't do shit a boyfriends suppose to do

I was over him completely

I was in love with someone else

something that seriously showed me he crossed the line is when he sent me a video of himself .. cumming while I was at a party with my family and my sister almost saw it.

That's the thing that threw me off the most

till this day.. I think he's the person I am most disgusting of dating.

you'll find out later in the story the entire story about montes and I

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