chapter 21

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Marialisa Estrada

Let me tell you about a young ,beautiful girl i first met in 8th grade..we both began to get along when here and a couple of her other  friends began to hang out with my friend alejandra.. thats where we both decided to share our love together on different animes we use to watch.

yeah i watched anime.. one part that was super embarrssing about me.

marialisa became one of my best friends, she cares so much about me.

she was by my side through everything.. even if i had one bad day or i talked about my problems so many times, she still continued to stay by my side through so many tough times.

and she also understood what i went through.

she listened and care about everything i went through

and you have no idea how much i appreciated that.

i was a girl, who you would have known as the problematic girl.. the one who cries about everything and the one who just wants to kill herself.

like i said before, i had a reputation and everyone thought i made up to those standards.

even though i became the most hated, most talked about, most unwanted girl in school .. every single one my friends continued to be by my side, including marialisa.

i remember one day, erik and i were having problems, we were in pe and i was sitting at the tables next to the pe locker rooms

i was bawling my eyes out.

marialisa walked towards me and didnt even ask about what happen, she sat next to me and held me against her.. and let me cry on her. in her arms i told her that i wanted to die.. that i couldnt live a life without him.. she continued to hold me in her arms as i cried so badly , telling her that i wanted to kill myself

all she told me was

" shh dont say that "

" everythings going to be okay"

" your going to be okay"

and she was right.. everything was really okay and i became better as i listened to her words which helped me calm down so much.

we had so many good days, laughing with each other.. jumping into each others arms as we see each other in the morning, showing each other memes and telling each other secrets..

but.. we only had one bad day.. in 10 grade which youll be able to hear more about .. that situation hurt my heart so much but what was i suppose to do?

marialisa means everything to me

even if we went through a lot of shit together.

marialisa, we havent been friends for that long.. but we became best friends so quickly, thank you for everything you did for me and for not leaving my side at all even if we went through so much shit together. i love you.. i deadass mean that i love you and that you mean the world to me.. you honestly became a part of my life where you have helped me recover so much.. and you have no idea how thankful i am to have you in my life, you seriously have helped me so much.

i really want you to stay in my life.

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