chapter 18

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Erik avendano

Erik avendano, was my first everything..

My first love

My first true heart break

My first sexual experience..

I think he was the one who taught me many things about what a relationship truly is.

but even though he was my first love , he was the worst boyfriend I have ever had in my entire life.

let me tell you a story on how Erik Avendano ruined and bettered my life.

Because if he weren't for him , I wouldn't know the definition of love today.

Erik avendano was Dannas Garcia's ex .. the 3rd most popular girl in school and let me tell you something.. she was one of the greatest friends I had back then.. but when I began dating Erik, it all turned bad

I made the first move on Erik

We began to talk for two days .. but we never talked in person, until one day .. the school decided to have an assembly about the situation I had with Alexander ..

In the entire middle school , there was only two situations like that .. with me and Alexander and a girl named faith , Diego and angel.

It made it obvious who the school wanted to talk about

So all eyes were on us

And when the lawyers , police officers and district attorneys began to talk about how you would have become a registered sex offender if you went through something like that and both of the people involved in a situation like that would have gotten a criminal record

How do you think I reacted ?

It made me feel horrible , knowing the school had the audacity to talk about this when my situation happen 3 or 4 days before that

After the assembly , I began to cry .. in my cousins arms , then I saw Erik pass by us .. asking what was wrong to one of my friends who were there also with me ..

After that .. he texted me asking me what was wrong , and I told him and he said he wanted to hug me so bad because he felt so horrible but he couldn't because he was shy also.

I understood him.

I would have felt the same way.

After that , on May 9th 2016 .. I finally grew the balls to ask him out .. and to me, it felt like the best day of my life.

During that 1 year and 3 months we dated

We went through so much.

Everyone made fun of me because they thought I was dating the most ugliest boy in school , but I didn't care .. all I cared about was me and him.

Both Erik and I had our good moments , our phone calls till 6 in the morning .. him making me laugh more than anyone in the world , him hugging me from behind or kissing me so many times ..

Every time I was around him it made me happy.

But we also had our bad moment.

You know how usually a boyfriend calls you

~ baby
~ babe
~ princess
~ baby girl ?

My boyfriend called me

~ bitch
~ dumbass
~ ho
~ slut

And I just let him do it .. one reason because I was madly in love with him..

He would have also hurt me , made jokes about how he was with other girls and wanted to be with other girls

he never let me wore makeup.

that's why now I wear it everyday

And he never let me wear hoop earrings

That's why I now wear them everyday also.

he would have also grabbed a ruler and hit my wrist full with cuts until it was red and it hurt , he would have also tried to leave bruises on me.

And after all of that

I was still madly in love with him.

Many people called me crazy

" why the hell are you with someone who treats you so bad? "

My mom hated me for dating him

I would always cry whenever him and I would get into fights, i don't know why but i was just madly in love with him.

He was also the first person I had my first sexual experience with..

We didn't have sex

But we did something that was sexual.. which he introduced me to since he was older than me.

I went through hell just to be with one boy, a boy who treated me poorly and I just stuck by his side because I loved him way too much

We kinda had an off and on again relationship, we broke up twice .. I cheated on him twice and he cheated on me twice as well,, but guess what ? After all that .. I still stuck by his side and he still continued to treat me poorly..

His family hated me
He was too embarrassed to bring me towards his family..

I felt so hurt the entire time I dated him .. there was some close parts where I almost broke up with him but I didn't do it

I was way too in love

Love is something dangerous

It can make you do many things

It makes you not think

It makes you do the unpredictable

And everyone calls you crazy for it

But actually

Your just crazy in love

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