'Did you destroy this town?' Gold yelled 'Wait, is this an illusion too?' 'No, this is not an illusion.' Zoroark said after transforming himself into a human who looked similar to his pokemon form so that he could converse with Gold 'And I did not destroy this town, either. I just didn't want to tell you or anybody the unfortunate fact that this town had been destroyed.' 'WHY?' Gold asked. 'What's the point of getting people even sadder?' Zoroark answered. 'But still, we should be informed about it!' Gold yelled. 'That's true.' Zoroark replied 'I made a mistake. Sorry for that.'
'B-but, what caused this destruction?' Gold asked.
Mismagius answered it and Zoroark translated it for Gold - "A group of giant, weird looking pokemons. We couldn't exactly see which pokemons they were since we were seeing all the destruction from the distance and were too scared to even go in front of them but from what we could see, I can tell that they have great destructive capabilities and are huge in size. It would be better not to mess with them."
'HOW DID YOU THINK HIDING THIS WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA?' Gold yelled 'If we knew about it we could be prepared for the next time they would come to cause more destruction! You should have informed it to us as soon as possible but you did the opposite- You hid this news from us. I am disappointed in you, Master of Illusions. You have used your powers for a wrong cause.'
Mismagius suddenly got angry. 'We told you it was a mistake, all right?' she yelled as Zoroark kept translating 'Who are you to scold us anyways. You just look like an annoying kid who would be defeated by us in a matter of seconds.'
Gold smiled and looked at Mismagius as he said "Oh, really? Then... why don't we have a battle?" 'Look, I am not into this.' Zoroark said 'You guys battle. I'm out.' 'It's okay, Zoroark, you are not the short tempered troublesome one anyways.' Gold said with a smirk. That angered Mismagius even more.
Gold took out Umbreon as he murmured "Looks like I won't even be needing one of my legendaries for this battle." 'You will lose!' Mismagius yelled as she started using Shadow Ball! That hit Umbreon but didn't do much damage. 'Oh, haha, that isn't everything I had got!' Mismagius yelled as she used THUNDER!
That seriously hurt Umbreon! 'Okay Umbreon, time to get serious!' Gold yelled 'Use Toxic!' Umbreon used Toxic and it successfully affected Mismagius. 'Now, use Dark Pulse!' Umbreon used Dark Pulse but still a little bit of health was left in Mismagius but thankfully, that Toxic drained that health too and she fainted.
'Woah, you took down Mismagius!' Zoroark said with awe 'That's a pretty impressive thing to do.' 'Not the most impressive thing I have done.' Gold said as he turned around with a smirk and walked out of there to inform the Pokemon World about the threat of the destructive pokemons that Zoroark and Mismagius had seen.

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...