Gold, Lance, Brendan and Calem quickly started their journey to Kalos on a plane so even if disaster struck them again, they could fight that disaster with some of the strongest trainers in the Pokemon world.
'The seats are pretty comfortable in this plane.' Brendan said to Calem. 'Yeah, the service of this plane is good too.' Calem replied 'But the juice here is awful.' 'True.' Brendan agreed. Gold and Lance were having discussion of their own. 'So, how is Dragonite's training going?' Gold asked. 'Better than ever.' Lance answered 'As you saw before, I have improved... a lot. Just because of my Dragonite. It has obtained a Special Power, after all...'
'What special power?' Gold asked. Lance smiled. 'Tha-' Before Lance could finish his sentence the entire plane got ripped into two halves. Half of the passengers fell into the sea just from that one attack from Guzzlord. It had tore up the plane like a piece of paper with it's claws. 'What?' Gold thought as he quickly took out Lugia and Ho-oh. He then yelled "LUGIA! HO-OH! CARRY AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE!" Lance also took out his Alakazam and Dragonite and yelled the same thing.
Lugia quickly carried Calem and Lance on it's back and Ho-oh carried Gold and some of the other passengers while Dragonite and Alakazam carried the rest of them. However, Brendan got absolutely obliterated by Xurkitree's electricity. 'BRENDANNNN!' Gold yelled as Ho-oh dodged a Psystrike from Deoxys. Yes, Deoxys and the other Ultra Beasts had arrived on Earth to finish their incomplete job. 'Only if Master Steven let Trinotor come here too...' Deoxys thought 'Then it would have been much easier. Going easy on people he wants to kill... What an absolute fool! However, I am not a fool like him and I shall complete my job!'
It transformed into it's Speed Form and used Extreme Speed on Alakazam so that the Psychic Pokemon would get distracted and his Psychic powers would stop working for a moment, since Psychic powers don't work if you aren't concentrating and that is exactly what happened since Alakazam got hurt and distracted by Deoxys' Extreme Speed and he let go of all the passengers. As soon as he let go of those passengers, Kartana instantly ended their lives. 'NO!' Gold yelled.
Calem looked at Gold. 'All you do is yell "NOOO" like a baby.' he thought 'Why don't you command Lugia or Ho-oh to attack the Ultra Beasts while carrying you, you FOOL? I wish I had my legendaries... This is so frustrating... But I will take out my Pokemons for some help nonetheless! They aren't as powerful as those Ultra Beasts but it's still worth a try!'
Calem took out Aegislash and Vivillon. 'Ugh, I wish I had my Mega Diancie, or my Yveltal. Those would help a lot...' Calem thought. Then he yelled "Vivillon, use Sleep Powder on Deoxys!" Deoxys looked up into the air and widened his eyes as it saw a purple powder above it. "OH CRA-" it said as it went to sleep. It was now unconscious so it had lost the ability to levitate with it's Psychic powers so it fell into the sea.
'Now, use Sleep Powder on-' Calem said but right before he could finish his sentence Pheromosa kicked and tore off one of Vivillon's wings and Xurkitree zapped it with it's electricity and then after getting sliced up by Kartana and getting it's blood sucked by Buzzwole, Guzzlord finally ate it. 'NO! VIVILLON!' Calem yelled as he suddenly got angry. 'You ugly pokemons...' he thought 'You will pay for this. I will finish each one of you next time...'
Nihilego tried to attack Ho-oh but it swiftly dodged her poisonous attacks but then the Ultra Beast extended it's tentacles to try to grab Ho-oh but it was too fast for her. At the end, all her tentacles got wrapped up. 'Nice way to defeat Nihilego, Ho-oh!' Gold complimented 'Good job!'
However, Xurkitree was successful in zapping Lugia! But when it tried to zap it again, Lugia just used Whirlwind and blew Xurkitree far away. Xurkitree panicked because of the whirlwind and zapped the entire sea which made Guzzlord, Stakataka and Celesteela faint since all of them were in the water.

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...