Vulcryem vs. Raytimate

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Raytimate seemed like an unstoppable threat! 'Hahahha, this is too much fun!' Steven thought 'So much destruction of these pokemons and these stupid trainers that I hate so much! So much  destruction of this Pokemon loving world that I hate so much!'

He used SEXTUPLET BEAM on the ground which caused massive destruction everywhere and also evaporated some powerful Pokemons and their trainers! 

'Raytimate, enough!' Vulcryem yelled. It had now reached Raytimate, ready to battle the dragon. 'Huh, why can I hear this weird dragon pokemon?' Steven thought 'Ah, I guess Pokemons can hear other pokemons and since I am in Raytimate's body now, I can hear this weird dragon... What is this weird dragon all about, anyways?' 

'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!' Vulcryem yelled. 'No, it's not...' Steven replied 'I want to cause so much chaos and destruction that the Smoke of Doom will finally be pleased and destroy this world forever! HAHA!' 'What?' Vulcryem asked 'What's a Smoke of Doom?!' 'I won't tell that to you...' Steven told 'But since you now know about it and are daring to oppose me, you must be destroyed, you worthless dragon!' 

Raytimate used Origin Pulse on Vulcryem who quickly activated it's boosters and flew up high in the sky, dodging the attack! 'Ahh, you can fly too, eh?' Steven asked 'And that too, without wings. A dragon  needing a weird rocket as a tail to fly instead of a wing. What a joke!' 

Vulcryem tried to use Outrage but Raytimate used Protect. The Unovan Dragon quickly smashed the shield with it's strong hands and grabbed Raytimate by the face. It was about to defeat it with a strong Outrage but he quickly used SEXTUPLET BEAM and stopped Vulcryem from attacking by blinding it temporarily and also permanently evaporating one of it's hands. Vulcryem yelled in pain but that yelling wouldn't be enough to defeat Raytimate... 


While it tried to calm itself, Raytimate quickly used Dragon Tail on the Ancient Dragon and threw it on the ground. Then, it finally used Precipice Blades on it to hurt it a lot! 'Ah, looks like the weird dragon has been weakened...' Steven thought with a smile 'Now, back to more destruction!'

He turned around and used ORIGIN PULSE on the battlefield, hurting many pokemons and almost killing many trainers! Thankfully, some Pokemons had the ability "Water Absorb" so they absorbed much of the enormous amount of water being thrown at them and reduced the damage! 

Suddenly, someone grabbed the giant snake dragon from the back and used Freeze Dry on him to freeze him but before he could be frozen, he quickly used ERUPTION on himself to cancel out the Freeze Dry and hurt the attacker a bit. 

The attacker was, in fact, Vulcryem! 'Ah, so you are still not dead...' Raytimate said 'Well, don't worry, you will be, sooner or later... GET EVAPORATED! HAHA!'

Raytimate used SEXTUPLET BEAM but Vulcryem quickly dodged it by flying away from there and then tried to Ice Punch with the remainder of it's hands but Raytimate used CRUNCH and bit Vulcryem's remaining hand. 'Gahhhh!' Vulcryem yelled. 'Hahahahhaa, getting greedy, eh?' Raytimate yelled in joy as he put more pressure on the hand with his teeth 'I had spared you one hand and you tried to attack me with that, even after knowing that you could lose this one too, if you tried... And yet, you did. Pathetic!'

Raytimate bit off Vulcryem's other hand with his sharp teeth!

He tried to use Dragon Tail on Vulcryem again but the Unovan Dragon used Dragon Rush on Raytimate before he could do that!

'GAH!' Raytimate yelled as the strong attack hit him.

'Crap, looks like this is the end of Raytimate's body...' Steven thought 'I wanted to have more fun destroying stuff, though. And Smoke of Doom has still not come... Ugh, no... I should not let this stupid dragon defeat  me! I must destroy till it comes!'

The Dragon Rush hit him but he during that time, Vulcryem's face had come incredibly close to Raytimate's. And so, Raytimate took advantage of that and used SEXTUPLET BEAM!!!!!!

That completely evaporated Vulcryem's face!

'Defeat was inevitable, you weird dragon...' Raytimate yelled 'There's no way anything can win to Raytimate! Although, you did come pretty close...'

Suddenly, a Regice used Ice Beam on Raytimate! That didn't kill him but still hurt him a lot but now he used SEXTUPLET BEAM on the Regice to completely evaporate it out of existence! 

A Closyter used Icicle Spear on Raytimate but he only let one of the Icicle Spears hit him and deflected all the other ones with Dragon Tail back to Cloyster and then used Eruption on it!

'Ugh, all the pokemons are targeting me...' Steven thought 'When will the Smoke of Doom come?'

Suddenly, huge chunks of ice dropped on Raytimate out of thin air... 

That was enough to defeat him!

Avalugg had used Avalanche and that was the final blow which lead to Raytimate's defeat. The most dangerous pokemon for the Earthlings had now been defeated! 

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