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'But why would they destroy our Pokeballs?' Brendan asked. 'To make you weaker.' Blue explained 'There is probably someone plotting against all of you who wants to make all of you weaker because of some reason. But again, all of this is just speculation.' 

Elio and Chase came to the Ground Floor as they yelled "Brendan! The news will be published within a few days, most likely tomorrow!" They seemed like really energetic trainers, unlike Red and some other trainers who had won the leagues of their own regions. They ran towards Brandon and finally reached him within a few moments. 'I think we should be more worried about our legendaries getting stolen or potentially, even destroyed!' Brendan said. 'We will find them soon enough, we must have lost them somewhere!' Chase said. 'All of us lost it at the same time?' Brendan asked 'Huh, what a coincidence.' 'Now's the time to celebrate!' Elio said 'Stop worrying!'

The rest of them came downstairs too. 'Anyways, who are these guys?' Chase asked. 'You... don't know?' Brendan asked. 'No.' Chase asked. 'I know Blue but I don't understand who you are.' Elio said. 'Haha, I am Gold!' Gold cheerfully introduced himself 'The Champion of the Johto League!'

The rest of them greeted Gold and Blue too. 'I had not seen you for such a long time, Gold!' Nate said 'It's so good to meet you again.' 

'But why are you guys even here?' Calem asked 'What do you people want to publish?' 

Gold and Blue explained why they were there and all of them were just shocked. 'That seems like a pretty serious and mysterious incident!' Victor said. 

Suddenly, the top of the building broke and got completely decimated by something. All the Champions looked up to see what was happening. 'Let's get out of here!' Blue yelled as he started running out of the building. Everyone followed him out of there. Luckily, they were able to get out of the building before it got COMPLETELY destroyed by some huge monster... Everyone looked up into the air just to see Celesteela destroying the building with her giant steel hands. Above her was an Ultra Wormhole.

And beside that Ultra Wormhole were several other Ultra Wormholes. The Ultra Beasts slowly started emerging from their Wormholes. 

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning hit Victor and he instantly died. It was Deoxys... He had used Thunder. And he was the one responsible for this attack. 'VICTOR!' Chase yelled. Elio suddenly started panicking. 'THIS IS WHY I TOLD WE SHOULD SEARCH FOR OUR LEGENDARY POKEMONS!' Brendan yelled 'HAVING LEGENDARY POKEMONS MAKES YOU MUCH SAFER!' 'W-What...' Gold thought as he just saw a dead Victor lay on the ground. 

Deoxys saw all the Ultra Beasts descending onto the Pokemon World. It just looked at them. 'Now that even a strong version of Rayquaza has been caught by us, nothing will be able to stop us from destroying the Pokemon  World.' it thought 'We... Have become invincible!' 

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