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Gold looked up into the sky just to see the Ultra Beasts and Deoxys hovering around. Deoxys seemed to be their leader and their leader of course, did look menacing. It stared right through Gold's soul and gave him goosebumps. Then it looked at the other Champions and just kept staring at them...

Suddenly it transformed into it's Speed Form and used Quick Attack on Elio but before he hit Elio he transformed into his bulky Defense Form which meant that he hit Elio with the incredibly speed of his Speed Form and the heavy weight of his Defense Form and that, was enough. Enough to finish Elio, once and for all! Chase yelled and cried even more. Two Champions of different regions were gone in the blink of an eye! 'Blue, we need to do something!' Gold yelled. 'BUT WHAT CAN WE DO AGAIN THESE POWERFUL POKEMONS?' Blue yelled back 'The only powerful ones we have are your Ho-oh and Lugia and I don't think that those will be enough!' 

Suddenly, something pierced through Chase. It was Buzzwole's sting. The Giant Red Mosquito Pokemon had pierced Chase and picked him up with it's sting. But that wasn't even enough! After he got picked up, he was still not dead and was still yelling and crying so Kartana just sliced him up into pieces. Everyone else was utterly HORRIFIED to see all of this terrible stuff go down. 'Why is this happening?' Gold thought as he looked at Deoxys, who was staring back at him too 'What for? Wait... Will I... Die now, too? They can just finish me off right here... Are they going to finish all of us? One by one?' 

Deoxys' hands suddenly started to untwist themselves and after they were untwisted, they just spread out at incredible speed and started destroying almost everything in the city! 'Let's get out of here!' Brendan yelled. They did follow Brendan and tried to get out of there but before they could, Guzzlord appeared in front of them! 

'ENOUGH!' Blue yelled as he took out Alakazam 'USE DAZZLING GLEAM!' Alakazam did use Dazzling Gleam and that weakened Guzzlord a lot! Lucas also took out his Togekiss. 'Use Air Slash!' he yelled. Togekiss used Air Slash. It didn't do much but when Guzzlord tried to attack it was unable to because it flinched! Lucas smiled. 'And THIS is why Togekiss is one of my most powerful pokemon!' he said with pride 'Use Air Slash once more!' Togekiss used Air Slash once more but this time it was not enough to flinch Guzzlord! That caught Lucas off guard since that hardly ever happened but he was still prepared for it!

'USE DAZZLING GLEAM!' Both Lucas and Blue yelled. Both Togekiss and Alakazam used Dazzling Gleam and that damaged Guzzlord a LOT but he still had a little health left. Guzzlord was about to use Giga Impact but Togekiss quickly used Quick Attack before that and with that, Guzzlord had fainted! 

Lucas and Blue retracted their pokemons and did a high-five as all of them quickly escaped out of that situation. Deoxys had almost destroyed the entire city by the time they were gone. And now, it's eyes had started glowing in pink... It glowed and glowed even more... It was using Psychic. It was using that move to completely destroy the city and it was successful at it since by the time it had finished using the move, the city had been obliterated! A pink explosion happened in the city spreading many waves across the regions and at the end, the city was no more... 

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