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The Necrozmas and many other powerful alien pokemons had been defeated... It seemed like the Earthlings were going to win this and send the attackers back to where they came from! 

'Why isn't The Smoke of Doom attacking yet?' Steven thought 'Ugh, is it because there isn't enough destruction? Is it because there isn't enough death? WHAT IS IT? As I can tell from my powers, the aliens are slowly losing... B-But, how... Raytimate should be enough to take out half of the Earthling pokemons... What is it even doing?'

Steven checked with his powers what Raytimate was doing and... As it turned out, Raytimate was doing nothing. It was just soaring in the skies and spectating the battle. 'What?' Steven thought as he tried to read Raytimate's mind... After reading it, he realized why Raytimate wasn't doing anything anymore. 'I won't attack anybody, I want my new trainer to lose...' Raytimate thought 'He won't even know that I didn't do anything since that fool isn't here. My loyalty lies with Team Empire... Even though Ash Ketchum was evil, he made me more powerful and never treated me like an useless object... He was rude and mean, but I knew that somewhere deep down, he cared about me... However, my new trainer, does not. He is a garbage person.'

Steven narrowed his eyes. Then, he smiled. 'Hah, Raytimate, you thought you could get away with doing such stupidity, eh?' he thought 'No.'

Suddenly, Raytimate heard a voice in it's head "Not willing to fight, eh?" It was confused and scared. 'WHO IS THIS INSIDE MY HEAD?' it thought 'DEOXYS? IS THIS YOU?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE AGAINST STEVEN, TOO!'

'No, it isn't Deoxys, it's me, your Master, Steven...' the voice said 'I am communicating with you with my Unown powers. And I am extremely disappointed that you aren't really doing a lot in the battlefield, even though you can. Your loyalty should lie with me, since I own you now... I am your now master. So, you must obey me...'

'NO! I WILL NOT!' Raytimate thought 'YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON! I don't know what happened to you all of a sudden but you have changed since receiving immense power from the Unowns. Power truly does corrupt, after all...' 

Steven smiled.

'Power... Ah, yes, I do indeed have immense power. So you should have kept that in mind. You aren't willing to fight. I can't do anything about that.... But, I can possess your body and cause destruction. And I am going to do exactly that, you pathetic pokemon! BE PREPARED!'

'NOOOO!' Raytimate growled as it felt itself losing control over it's own body. It felt it's soul was being replaced by another soul! 

Steven Stone had now taken over Raytimate's powerful body. 'Haha, what a nice way to come into the battlefield without having the danger of me feeling pain or dying!' he thought 'If anything happens, then it will happen to Raytimate's body! Not mine! Haha, I can cause infinite chaos with no consequences! I hope that's enough for the Smoke of Doom to finally arrive...'

Raytimate used SEXTUPLET BEAM and finished off a lot of trainers and their pokemons... He completely evaporated them... Everyone looked in awe and terror at the sheer power of Raytimate. 'The Pokemon made by Team Empire that had been defeated... How did it come back to life?' everyone thought. They hadn't been paying attention to the revived Raytimate till now since it hadn't really done something but now that Steven was in control, it was doing a LOT! It was showing it's true power!

He used Extreme Speed on a Machamp and quickly fainted it, even after it being Not Very Effective and then used Origin Pulse on a Mega Charizard X coming towards it. Yes, Raytimate knew both Origin Pulse and Precipice Blades. It was the Ultimate version of Rayquaza, after all... And this was Rayquaza's true potential. Team Empire had crafted a monster. And now, that monster was spreading terror in full swing... 

Everyone's attention had now turned towards Raytimate. Even Vulcryem got scared when it saw those powerful beams coming out of Raytimate. 'I need to defeat this dragon...' it thought.

Articuno tried to use Ice Beam on Raytimate but he quickly dodged it and then unleashed SEXTUPLET BEAM on Articuno, which was enough to completely evaporate it! 

A Hydreigon tried to use Outrage on it but before she could even hit Raytimate, she got Dragon Tail-ed to the ground. Even the Fairy Types were afraid of that Sextuplet Beam... 

Raytimate was a huge threat! 

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