Mew went to sleep, thanks to Darkeoxys' Dark Void. 'HAHAHAHAHHA!' Darkeoxys yelled 'Looks like nobody else can challenge me! HAHHAHA!' 'Yeah, and that's because you're already defeated...' Mesprit replied.
'What? Hah, No I am... no....t....' Darkeoxys suddenly started feeling sleepy itself. 'What?' it thought as it went to sleep 'Wait... Could it be... Mew's Synchronize Ability?!'
Mesprit and Azelf quickly took advantage of Darkeoxys falling asleep and started using Bug Moves on it repeatedly! And that was enough to defeat Darkeoxys for once and for all...
However, while Darkeoxys went to sleep, the Necrozmas were still wrecking havoc across the battlefield. Even Lunala and Solgaleo were on their side, for some reason so that made them even more powerful! Necrozma had probably threatened to fuse with them and take over their body and freedom if they didn't join them...
And while most of the Necrozmas were easy to deal with, the one that was hard to deal with was the ultimate Necrozma- ULTRA NECROZMA!
Even Fairy Types were having a hard time defeating it since it had Smart Strike and outsped every one of them, since Fairy Types are usually incredibly slow. Cutiefly tried to land a Moonblast on Ultra Necrozma but the Psychic Dragon used Power Gem which went right THROUGH the Moonblast and hit Cutiefly and ended the poor bug.
Suddenly, a Pokemon slashed through Ultra Necrozma before it even realized it. It groaned in pain and turned around to see who the attacker was and as it turned out, it was an Aegislash! Ultra Necrozma was furious at the Aegislash because of the sudden cowardly attack so it used Photo Geyser but Aegislash quickly used King's Shield and protected it.
'Using a King's Shield and making moves like a coward, eh?' Ultra Necrozma yelled. 'What you call a Cowardly Move- I call it A Brave Strategy.' Aegislash yelled as he used SHADOW BALL on Necrozma. That hurt the dragon a lot so it went all out with Dragon Pulse and that hurt Aegislash quite a bit.
However, he used Automatize to get a bit speedier and while Ultra Necrozma was about to land another attack, he finally used another King's Shield to not only protect himself but also transform back into his Shield Form, where his Defenses will be high! 'Ugh, this Aegislash is intelligent...' Ultra Necrozma thought 'I am trying my best to observe it and read through it's mind but... It's intentionally thinking of Pokemon Camps, Magikarps and Bidoofs while battling me so that I get distracted! I think it knows that I can read through people's minds by observing them... Ugh.'
'Use a move, will you?' Aegislash yelled 'I know that it's tiring you and all but come on... Do it...'
'What do I do...?' Ultra Necrozma thought 'If I attack repeatedly I will get tired but if I don't... Then this battle wouldn't progress... Ugh, I am STUCK with this Aegislash! This is annoying me...'
Necrozma used Photon Geyser but Aegislash used King's Shield once again. 'This is what happens when you waste a turn in thinking, you foolish dragon.' Aegislash laughed. 'Calling a Psychic Type foolish, a bit ironic, don't you think?' Necrozma asked.
'Wobbufett and Slowpokes are also Psychic Types, just saying.' Aegislash said.
That angered Ultra Necrozma even more. 'How DARE you compare such a great Psychic Type like me with such disgraces?' it yelled as it used another Photon Geyser. That hit Aegislash but still didn't faint him since he was in his Shield Form.
Now, he turned into his Attack Form and gave another Shadow Ball to Ultra Necrozma which hurt it a lot and before Ultra Necrozma could even make another move, he used Shadow Sneak!
Ultra Necrozma used another Dragon Pulse which was unfortunately blocked by King's Shield.
Now, Aegislash turned into his Sword Form once again and then gave a final Shadow Sneak to Ultra Necrozma, which was enough to defeat it!
'Nice, the most powerful one is down...' Aegislash thought 'Now, time for the rest of them to get doomed. Might want to heal myself a bit before that, though. Chansey, here I come!'
And so, after healing up, Aegislash went off to face with Lunala, Solgaleo and the other Necrozmas and defeated them all!

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanficThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...