Mew, Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit

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Darkeoxys seemed unstoppable! Even the Bug types failed in defeating it and most of the legendaries were busy in other battles! 

Mew, Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit were watching Darkeoxys wrecking all of this havoc together but knew that if they tried to go near it, they would get absolutely OBLITERATED! Not only was Darkeoxys way more powerful than all of them but it also had a type advantage.

'So many people are getting destroyed by it, we should attack it!' Mesprit yelled to the others. 'No, we wouldn't be able to do it, that pokemon is too strong!' Uxie replied. 'I agree with Uxie, taking on that Pokemon would almost be impossible!' Mew said 'Even if we team up, we will never be able to do it...' 'No, we CAN do it if we want!' Azelf said 'The word "impossible" isn't in my dictionary...' 'Then update your non-existent dictionary.' Uxie told 'Use your brain... Not your emotions and stupid willpower.' 

'I am going to attack it either ways, either you can join me or watch me die.' Mesprit said. 'That's childish!' Mew yelled. 'I am childish, deal with it!' Mesprit went towards Darkeoxys with all it had got and caught it off guard! 

It used U-turn before Darkeoxys could even do anything and let Uxie use Thunder Punch! Mesprit smiled as it thought "I used U-turn since I knew you would come to help me, even though you disagreed with me..." 

Mew used Shadow Ball but that was enough! Darkeoxys quickly turned back and grabbed Uxie by the face. After giving a deathly stare towards the Pokemon of Knowledge, it slowly used Dark Pulse on it. 'Trying to defeat me, eh?' Darkeoxys asked 'Well, if you try, I shall slowly inject my darkness upon you and not just defeat but kill you... Viruz is within me, after all. I can kill anyone I want to kill, now!' 

'Viruz is that electric type pokemon, right?' Mew thought 'Wait, while I cannot use my Psychic powers on this dark Deoxys since it's looking like it's currently a dark type, for some reason but... Viruz is just an electric type, right? Maybe a Ghost too like Rotom but Ghosts aren't immune to Psychic! Well then, that's it! VIRUZ! COME OUT!'

Darkeoxys was about to complete kill Uxie with the power of it's darkness and the virus of Viruz combined but  before it could do that, Mew quickly started using it's Psychic powers on Viruz!

'WHAT?!' Viruz thought as it got forced out of Darkeoxys' body 'NOOOO!' 

Mew now used Shadow Ball on the vulnerable Viruz and that was enough to end it once and for all!

Darkeoxys unfortunately couldn't kill Uxie, now, but it still could faint it, so it DID! 'So, you killed Viruz, eh?' Darkeoxys asked 'Heh, doesn't matter. I wouldn't be able to kill anyone by injecting a dark virus into them now but who cares?! I AM BACK AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS! I AM CONSCIOUS ONCE AGAIN! HAHAHHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!' 

'Well, get ready to go back to sleep, then.' Mew replied.

'Oh, you think so?' Darkeoxys asked 'Well, well, well... Let's see who goes to sleep...'

It smiled as it aimed towards Mew. 'Probably trying to use Dark Pulse...' Mew thought 'I'll dodge it, I guess. Dark Pulse is a strange but narrow type of beam so it's easy to dodge, anyways.'

But the thing that emerged out of Darkeoxys' hand was not something that Mew was expecting- It wasn't a strange beam... It was a big, dark, pitch black, ball! IT WAS DARK VOID! 'Ohno!' Mew thought as it tried to dodge the Dark Void that was steadily coming towards it but... It was too late. Dark Void hit Mew and it went to sleep.

'Hehe, now when  you will wake up, you will be paralyzed!' Darkeoxys told 'DOES ANYONE ELSE DARE CHALLENGE ME?!?!!!!!! HUH?!!!!' 

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