'Use Thunder Punch and end this Pokemon Battle right here!' Steven yelled 'Do it quickly, you pathetic object!' Metagross was ready to use Thunder Punch once again but right before it could hit Dragonite Lance yelled "DODGE IT!' and Dragonite did dodge it! However, Metagross immediately used Psychic after he had dodged the attack which hurt him a little.
'What will you even do by dodging?' Steven asked 'Do you think you can escape from the power of my Mega Metagross? Hmph. Champion, eh? Such a cheap title it has become, nowadays...'
'We have not even showed our true potential yet, Steven.' Lance told as he narrowed his eyes and looked angrily towards Steven 'Because if we did, you would lose. And I think that... It is time for you to lose.' Steven smiled. 'Let's see, haha!' he replied, looking down on Lance and his Dragonite.
'Let's see, indeed!' Lance yelled as he took something out of his pocket. It was something... shiny. It seemed like a stone. A stone half golden and half silver in color. That baffled Steven. He widened his eyes in fear as he yelled "WHAT'S THAT?".
'Your loss.' Lance answered 'Dragonite, it's time to show our true potential. Fly beyond the limits of evolution! MEGA EVOLVE!' Steven got absolutely astonished as golden and silver lights radiated out of the Mega Stone and Dragonite! Dragonite was... MEGA EVOLVING!
Dragonite got covered with a blinding amount of light as it got stronger and as it's appearance changed!
Mega Dragonite had appeared! His body color had now turned back into blue, just like his pre-evolutions- Dratini and Dragonair! His wings now looked more dragon-like and one eye of his had a golden pupil while the other had a silver one. His tail had also gotten longer and there was a mysterious smoke floating around him. He was now a Dragon and Psychic type.
'Now that we have achieve Mega Evolution, we shall put our heart and soul into this battle!' Lance yelled 'Dragonite, USE DRAGON STORM!' The mysterious smoke surrounding Dragonite quickly formed into the shape of a big dragon and then rushed towards Mega Metagross, instantly knocking it out!
'Did you know that Mega Dragonite has this ability called "Golden Power", Steven?' Lance asked, smiling 'What does it do, you might think... Well, it doubles the power of every Dragon or Psychic moves that Mega Dragonite uses. And Dragon Storm already has the power of 150 so... Your Metagross just had to deal with a move which had the power of 300...'
Steven retracted his Metagross as he said "I am impressed by this power... My poor pathetic pokemons won't be able to handle it. Except... Maybe... One..." He smiled. 'I promise you, Lance, that this will be my final pokemon in this battle...' he continued 'Because if this one can't defeat your Dragonite. Then... Nothing I currently have, can.'
'So you are only going to use two pokemons in this battle, eh?' Lance asked, mildly astonished 'Fine then. Let it be! Let the battle continue!'
Steven smiled, holding the pokeball of his final pokemon, murmuring "Continue, it will..."
Back on Earth, The Pokemon War continued. 'Snorlax, Gigantamax!' Food Lover Jack yelled 'We have to defeat the legendary pokemon from another world- Fatfighter, after all!' Jack's Gigantamax band got activated as Snorlax started Gigantamaxing! 'Use G-Max Replenish!'

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...