Kreator and Destror

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Gold, Blue, Lance and the rest of them quickly ran up to the hill to see why that explosion had happened. Once they reached the top of the hill, where the explosion had occurred, all they could see was smoke and some silhouettes. Silhouettes of some pokemons. 'Who's that pokemon?' Blue asked, pointing at one of them. 

Gold quickly took out Lugia and told him to wipe out of the smoke with his humongous wings. Lugia was easily able to do that and now that the smoke had been cleared, Gold and the others could see Deoxys and two unknown Pokemon in front of them. Those unknown pokemon seemed to have wings. One of them had wings made out of pink crystal and the other had wings made out of nothing but what seemed like poison. 'What are those?' Lance asked, dumbfounded at seeing such Pokemons he had never even heard of!

Deoxys suddenly started using Telepathy on all of them. 'These are two of the legendary pokemons that come from my world!' he said 'Last time, you managed to escape the wrath of the Ultra Beasts I had brought, but these two are more powerful than all those Ultra Beasts and that's why, these two shall destroy all of you! My master cannot allow such powerful trainers like you to exist! He fears that you will interfere in his plans and ruin them all, like Red did to Team Empire! My Master doesn't want to take any risks and so, all of you will be finished right here.'

'Nope!' Gold yelled as he took out Ho-oh 'We have our own flying legendary pokemons to combat yours! Let's see who wins. The legendaries from your world or the ones from MINE!' Deoxys just looked at Gold. 'Fool.' he thought 'An average pokemon from my world is much more powerful than a pokemon from your world. Co-existing with humans have made them much weaker! If the pokemon of your world didn't co-exist with humans then they would surpass us in strength but as it seems, the pokemons of this world are fools!' 

Suddenly, Destror made a sharp purple needle out of thin air and then blasted it towards Lucas at the speed of a bullet! That mysterious purple needle hit Lucas' hand and before he knew it, his entire body had turned purple and he had been completely poisoned. He fell to the ground and died in a second. The rest of them were just astonished. 'LUCASSSS!' Brendan yelled as he saw Lucas fall on the ground. Gold was just astonished. He then looked up at Destror with anger. 'HO-OH, USE OVERHEATTTT!' he yelled. Ho-oh used Overheat but that did very little damage on Destror. 

'That pokemon seems to be a Poison Type!' Lance said 'So it's weak to Ground and Psychic. But it must be immune to Ground type attacks so... USE A PSYCHIC MOVE ON IT!' 'YEAH, USE PSYCHIC ON THAT MONSTER, HO-OH!' Gold yelled. Ho-oh used Psychic on Destror and while that did damage it a lot, it managed to fire back with a move called "Poison Ribbons"!

Some purple colored glowing ribbons came towards Ho-oh and tangled it up and then after Ho-oh had been completely trapped in those ribbons, they slowly started poisoning the majestic fire pokemon! 

'That's so cruel!' Gold yelled. Suddenly Kreator flapped it's wings and tens of sharp crystals went flying out into the air. Most of them hit the ground but one of them went straight trough Hilbert's stomach. 'NO!' Brendan yelled. Lance had enough of this. He took out his Salamence. 'ATTACK THOSE POKEMONS!' he yelled. Salamence tried to attack Destror but Kreator hurt it with some of it's sharp crystals. It hurt Salamence in the wings which caused it to fall on the ground.

'Haha, there's no escaping!' Deoxys said 'And why should I just see stuff happening and not do anything myself? Here, let me do something too!' It transformed into it's Attack Form and used Psycho Boost. He let out the Psycho Boost and it hit Blue. 

Blue was reduced to nothing but ashes in the matter of a few seconds. 

Gold just stood there as he saw Blue getting completely obliterated.... He... He couldn't do anything to stop his death... Blue was dead... And he couldn't do anything about it... 

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