'Are you sure you want to trust Calem?' Deoxys asked to Steven. 'I never trusted him, I just let him go away...' Steven said with a smile. 'What?' Deoxys asked back. 'The Ultra Beasts, You, Kreator and Destror have been able to kill most of them so easily...' Steven explained 'It seems that I overestimated them. Just because they are Champions doesn't mean they are powerful. Or, their power lied with their legendary pokemons, which have been destroyed by us. So... they are technically powerless... They will be all killed by the Smoke of Doom anyways...'
'Gold still does have his legendaries though, which, according to Pheromosa, returned to their Primal Form...' Deoxys nervously said. 'Lugia and Ho-oh aren't much of a threat.' Steven told 'We have destroyed the pokeballs in which Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Palkia, Dialga and Yveltal were. That's what counts.' 'You do realize that those weren't the only one of their species in the planet, right?' Deoxys asked. 'Yes, I do...' Steven answered with a grin on his face 'Calem must have told Gold and the others about the "alien planet" by now...'
'What?' Deoxys asked. 'I hope he does.' Steven said with a smile 'So that an all out war can break out between the alien pokemon and the pokemons on Earth!' 'WHAT?' Deoxys asked. 'Let me tell you something you didn't know, Deoxys.' Steven said 'The Smoke of Doom only agreed to help me if I caused a huge war between the alien and the normal pokemons... Because it said that it would only help me in the destruction I wanted if I was able to cause a war. Since, it seems that the Smoke of Doom loves wars... And told that I had the ability to cause a war with the situation I was in...'
'You are lying, the Smoke of Doom can't talk!!!!!' Deoxys yelled 'Only Psychic pokemon can talk with it.' Steven narrowed his eyes. 'It can...?' he replied 'Anyways, so yeah, I intentionally told Calem about the alien stuff... So Deoxys, can you please check if he has already told it or not?'
'Then why didn't you tell them yourselves or command me to tell them about alien planets?' Deoxys asked. 'Calem is way more trustworthy...' Steven said 'And stop asking me questions and do what I said!'
A grin slowly spread across Steven's face. A sinister grin... 'You thought I would rely on Raytimate to bend an entire planet filled with powerful pokemon to my knees?' he asked 'No... No... Raytimate isn't that powerful. But... I, am... Deoxys, you wanted to know how I discovered your planet, right? Well then, listen! I originally planned on destroying the Pokemon World by capturing all the Unowns! However, when I went to capture them, an accident happened... I got lost in an unknown dimension. A dimension which was completely black... A dimension with nothing... The Dimension of Nothingness! And in that dimension, the Unown fused with me!'
Deoxys looked confused.
'Why did they fuse with me, you might wonder...' Steven continued 'Well, they were soon about to die! So they decided to suck on my lifespan to live longer and in return, they would give me power... DIMENSION SHATTERING POWERS!' Steven looked crazy at this point. His eyes turned red once again as red smoke started to come out of them once again.
'You... cannot think of betraying me!' Steven yelled 'I am powerful. More powerful than anything! Than anyone!' Suddenly, his hands started to turn in Deoxys's tentacles. 'See, I can become you if I want...' Steven told as his Deoxys tentacles extended and wrapped up all around Deoxys and strangled it 'But the thing is, I am too lazy to go back there myself. I prefer to work here.'
'W-Why d-did you threaten us with Raytimate if y-you had- i-if you were more powerful... ughhh...' Deoxys asked as it struggled to free itself from Steven's Deoxys tentacles.
Steven smiled as he finally let go of Deoxys. 'I didn't want an entire planet to know that I had powers like these!' Steven yelled 'Although they wouldn't be able to do anything to do, I wasn't willing to take the risk!'
Pheromosa was petrified by Steven's powers. Steven turned at it. 'Oh, Pheromosa, you look scared...' he said 'So scared, in fact, that it seems like you will tell everyone about my powers once you get out of this spaceship... But the thing is, your life ends in this spaceship!' Pheromosa quickly ran towards Steven and attempted to kick him right in the jaw but before it could do that Steven turn it's legs into nothing but paper. Pheromosa screamed as the rest of it's body started getting turned into paper too. Once Pheromosa had completely turned into non-living paper, Steven formed a paperball out of it without even touching the paper with his powers.
He then turned back towards Deoxys. 'You look terrified too.' he said 'But I won't really kill you since you aren't as dumb as Pheromosa. I know you won't tell anyone about my powers since you understand the meaning of a consequence. But you know what, I still want to show you more of my power! I WANT TO TERRIFY YOU MORE! HAHAHHAHAHAHAH!'
'AHHHHH!' Deoxys yelled as it tried to used Psychic on Steven but as soon as it tried to attack him, something happened, and the Psychic backfired on Deoxys itself. 'You wanna use Psychic on me?' Steven asked 'Okay then, I wanna use Bug on you...'
'What?' Deoxys thought as it saw several bug type pokemons appear on it's body. 'You are weak to Bug Type, right?' Steven asked. Deoxys tried to remove the bug pokemons from it's body with it's Psychic powers but was unable to do so.
'Haha, you won't be able to remove them...' Steven told 'They are just hallucinations, after all...' Deoxys sighed. But it's sigh of relief didn't last long as it got teleported somewhere... It got teleported to a cold place filled with snow... and mountains...
'What place is this?' Deoxys thought.
'Hey...' a voice came from the back. A loud voice... Steven's voice. Deoxys turned around just to see a giant version of Steven looking psychopathically at him.It quickly transformed into it's speed form and tried to get out of there but Steven's giant thumb squashed it!
'GAHHH!' it yelled as it tried to use Protect but Steven's thumb was just too large. 'Betraying me is like choosing a ride of terror!' the giant Steven said.
'How can I still hear Steven?' Deoxys thought 'Am I not dead?' 'No, you aren't.' Steven said. Deoxys slowly opened his eyes just to see a normal version of Steven looking at him.
'That was just an illusion that I made up.' he said 'Although, I can transform into a giant version of myself.'
Deoxys widened his eyes as it got teleported back to the spaceship.
'Never mess with me...' Steven whispered in it's ears.

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...