'It's extremely hard to decide, isn't it?' Steven asked 'But you gotta choose fast.' A hologram which showed a timer suddenly got activated. There was 59 seconds left on the timer. 'You have less than a minute to decide...' Steven said 'I don't have time to mess with you all day.'
'Just a minute?!' Lance yelled. '40 seconds.' Steven replied with a smile. 'ENOUGH!' Lance yelled once again as he ran towards Steven and tried to rescue Gold from the psychopath former Champion but as soon as he tried to do that, Gold got killed. Steven did it. He did it before Lance could even do a thing. 'It all happened because of you, Lance...' Steven said with a sigh 'Only if you chose defeat and went away from here, I would teleport Gold back to Earth with my Metagross.'
Lance was beyond furious at this point... 'But now that Gold is gone...' he began 'I CAN FREELY FINISH YOU OFF!' He tried to punch Steven right in the face but the former Hoenn Champion just pierced his knife into one of Lance's fingers. 'No violence, Lance...' Steven slyly said as he took the knife out of Lance's bleeding finger 'I would rather prefer to settle it with a Pokemon battle.' The injured Lance, even though he was furious and wanted to finish Steven right then and there, agreed to the battle.
Steven threw his knife back. 'Huh, if I wanted, I could handle you myself with my Unown powers but I LOVE playing mind games like these with people...' Steven thought 'You must be feeling guilty for Gold's death, Lance... And I, LOVE THAT! I absolutely love it. Ah, why not have a little more fun, Lance?' He threw a pokeball right at Lance. Lance quickly dodged it but the pokeball still hit the wall and out of it came Steven's Shiny Metagross! 'Hit Lance and knock him out...' Steven said.
'WHAT?' Lance yelled. He sensed a punch from Metagross coming so he quickly moved away and dodged it and then fell to the ground from fear as he accidentally pressed one of his pokeballs. A Gyarados quickly emerged out of it. 'Gyarados, quickly, use CRUNCH on Metagross!' Lance yelled. Gyarados used Crunch on Metagross and while it did a lot of damage to Metagross, it also broke some of Gyarados' teeth!
'If this is your power, Metagross, then I am disappointed.' Steven said 'And if I get disappointed, that means you need to improve... You need to evolve... You weak Metagross, MEGA EVOLVE!' Metagross didn't like how Steven had turned evil but still loved him as a trainer and so, it decided to obey it's trainer and MEGA EVOLVE!
Lance smiled. 'Mega Evolution, huh?' he murmured 'Fine then, I shall need something better than Gyarados to take this beast on... GYARADOS, COME BACK!' 'Tsk tsk tsk, not so soon, Metagross, use THUNDER PUNCH!' Steven ordered. Right before Gyarados could go back into the pokeball, Mega Metagross came and Thunder Punched Gyarados, which instantly fainted it! Lance was shocked. 'S-such speed...' he thought with widened eyes.
'It's the Mega Evolved form, you fool...' Steven yelled 'THIS is the power of Mega Evolution! No need to be surprised!' 'I know the power of Mega Evolution well enough, Steven...' Lance yelled as he retracted back Gyarados and then got back up 'But you certainly don't know the power of my Dragons!' He took out Aerodactyl.
'Ahh, I see, you want to make me think that Aerodactyl doesn't have Earthquake just because it's a flying type, right?' Steven asked 'Well, I know that it does have Earthquake, otherwise, why would you bring it in? METAGROSS, USE MAGNET RISE!' 'Use Earthquake, quick, Aerodactyl! Lance yelled. Aerodactyl tried it's best to use Earthquake first but it was too late, Mega Metagross had already used Magnet Rise and was now immune to Ground type attacks!
'Now, Iron Defense...' Steven said. Metagross obeyed Steven and then used Meteor Mash on the Aerodactyl! Aerodactyl had fainted and got retracted in the pokeball by Lance, who then sent out Kingdra.
'Your idiocy has exceeded my expectations, Lance.' Steven yelled 'What a trash Champion Hoenn had got! Metagross, use Thunder Punch and end this one too.' Kingdra fainted too from Metagross's Thunder Punch. Lance was struggling to win at this point but still didn't give up. He then sent out Alolan Exeggutor which somehow fit into the room. 'Use Hyper Beam!' Lance yelled. 'Stop with with Psychic.' Steven calmly said. Exeggutor used Hyper Beam but it was quickly stopped by Metagross' powerful psychic and then deflected back onto the Alolan Exeggutor with double the damage!
'A Psychic that deflects a Hyper beam...' Lance thought 'Such power.... And using a Psychic like a Mirror Coat... such strategy...' 'Ahhh, this annoying tree still hasn't fainted, eh?' Steven moaned 'I see, I see. No problem. Finish it off with Bullet Punch, Metagross!' Mega Metagross used Bullet Punch and finished off Alolan Exeggutor.
Lance took out Salamence. 'Use Thunder Punch, but with all four of your metallic arms.' Steven said. Metagross nervously looked back at Steven. 'I know that will drain your energy a lot but do you think I care, DO IT YOU PATHETIC OBJECT!' Metagross had to obey Steven, no matter what... It went towards Salamence and before the Dragon could even attack Metagross, it used Thunder Punch with all four of it's arms and finished Salamence right there!
That had some recoil but still, Salamence was dead. 'Ahhh, you now only have one pokemon...' Steven said, laughing 'My pathetic Metagross was enough for your entire team. Your team is beyond trash! Now come on, bring out that Dragonite of yours! BRING IT OUT! Lemme Thunder Punch it, haha!'
Lance smiled as he took out his final pokemon- Dragonite.
Lance was down to his final pokemon and Steven still had no pokemon of his that had fainted...

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...