Blue vs. Lance

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'Use Confusion!' Blue said. Alakazam used Confusion but Gyarados protected itself with Protect. 'Oh, what do you think, you are going to win by confusing me like last time?' Lance asked 'Nope! Gyarados, use Dragon Tail!' Gyarados used Dragon Tail and that made Alakazam go back into it's Pokeball. Now, instead of Alakazam, emerged Rhyperior out of his Pokeball. 'Hah, I see, I am lucky indeed!' Lance yelled 'Now, Gyarados, finish off Rhyperior with Hydro Pump!'

Gyarados quickly used Hydro Pump and that was enough to immediately faint Rhyperior. Blue retracted Rhyperior as he said "Okay, now you have angered me, former Champion!" He took out his Exeggutor. 'Use Power Whip!' Exeggutor used Power Whip and that severely injured Gyarados 'So, now, how does it feel to have a type disadvantage, huh? Dragon Tail was that one move that always seemed to anger me because of this reason... IT ALWAYS RUINED MY STRATEGYYY! AND NOW, I WILL FINALLY HAVE MY REVENGE ON THE MOVE AND THE POKEMON THAT USED THIS MOVEE! USE GIGA DRAINNN!' Exeggutor used Giga Drain and that fainted Gyarados. 

Lance retracted Gyarados with a smile. 'It seems like you have gotten serious...' he said 'Well, if you get serious, I will to too... Here comes my Ace Pokemon. DRAGONITE, I CHOOSE YOU!' Lance threw out Dragonite. Everyone was shocked. 'He chose Dragonite so early on?' Calem thought. 'That's a weird strategy.' Brendan thought. 'I think Lance has got something up his sleeve...' Gold thought 'Or else, why would he take out his strongest Pokemon so early on?'

'Use Fire Punch with all your might!' Lance yelled. Dragonite used Fire Punch on Exeggutor and so Blue's second Pokemon fainted too. 'So, I have got only one Pokemon left...' Blue said 'Okay, it looks like I will have to choose wisely...' Suddenly, Lance got confused. 'Wait, we are playing a 3 vs 3?' he asked 'I thought we were doing 6 vs 6!' 'Yeah, I would normally play a 6v6 but now with all these attacks from the Ultra Beasts going on, I think it would be wiser to keep our battles shorter. We are doing these for warm ups, anyways. Okay so here comes my final pokemon!' 

Blue let out his Arcanine! 'Use Dragon Pulse!' he yelled. Arcanine used Dragon Pulse and that hurt Dragonite a little bit. That left Blue astonished. 'It's a super effective move against Dragonite but it didn't even severely injure Dragonite, let alone faint it!' he thought with widened eyes 'Has Lance's Dragonite really improved this much? Wow, it looks like I am about to lose...'

Dragonite used Ice Punch and that froze Arcanine. Then it used Roost to heal itself and then it took a berry to wake up and then, it finally finished the battle off with an AQUA JET! That injured Arcanine a lot and it fainted. Blue retracted back his Pokemon. 'Wow, you really have improved a lot, Lance!' he complimented. 'Thanks.' Lance replied 'I would win even if it was a 6v6. My Dragonite and I have improved a lot, after all.' 

Blue smiled. 

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a HUGE explosion! All of them turned their heads around just to see smoke coming out from a nearby hill! 'That's a big explosion!' Brendan said. 'But what caused it?' Lance asked 'Let's go there! We must find out!' All of them started running towards that hill on which the gigantic explosion had happened.  

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