The Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...
'Hah, he came to defeat me and got killed himself...' Steven thought as he looked down upon Lance 'Well, well, well... I guess now that this is over I truly will get to enjoy The Smoke of Doom destroying the pokemon world without any interruption. I am so done with this pathetic world. The evil teams... The trainers... The pokemons... Everything is just so pathetic in this world. It should just end. I wish my Pokemon World was like Deoxys'... Just Pokemons living all alone and fighting for survival. No humans whatsoever... I do wonder though, why did The Smoke of Doom ask me to create a war for him to destroy the world... It's pretty weird but oh well, whatever. I guess weird alien pokemons have weird conditions and desires...'
Back in the battlefield, Deoxys was getting worried that the the trainers and their pokemons would overpower them. 'Ahhh, I need to Mega Evolve!' it thought 'But, since I am the DNA pokemon, the only way for me to Mega Evolve is to fuse with another Pokemon! Which one shall I fuse with? Ahhh, more of my allies are getting killed every moment! Have to think fast!' It suddenly spotted a weird looking but speedy Pokemon- Darkrai. Deoxys was genuinely impressed by how Darkrai was using the combination of Dark Void, Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse and it's ability to finish the opponent. 'Yes, that is the pokemon I shall fuse with!' it thought as it went towards Darkrai.
Darkrai was busy fighting other alien pokemons but it was extremely cautious and still saw Deoxys coming and immediately Dark Void-ed it! Deoxys, even after being an extremely speedy Pokemon, wasn't able to dodge Darkrai's Dark Void and immediately fell asleep. Darkrai was about to use Dark Pulse to finish it off once and for all but Deoxys was intelligent enough to use it's Psychic powers to put pressure on it's brain and hurt it's brain to the point where it would wake up! It immediately dodged the Dark Pulse after waking up and switched to it's Speed Form.
'My Psychic powers are so incredible that I am able to use them even while unconscious, amazing!' it thought as it flew up in the sky 'I hope Darkrai is following me...'
Darkrai indeed WAS following it and wanted to finish it for once and for all! It had used a lot of Nasty Plot, after all. And so just one attack from Darkrai would be enough to finish off Deoxys.
Deoxys suddenly turned and headed straight towards Darkrai which left Darkrai surprised and before it could even react, Deoxys transformed into it's bulky, heavy Defense Form and hit Darkrai! The mythical pokemon fell straight to the ground as Deoxys now transformed into it's Attack Form.
'You are powerful but foolish, Darkrai...' Deoxys telepathically told 'But for now, I only want your power because your power and my intelligence combined shall create the Pokemon of Destructive Traumatizing Nightmares, DARKEOXYS!' Deoxys slowly started forming a Focus Blast and before Darkrai could do anything, the attack hit it and fainted it in one shot.
Deoxys' hands suddenly started transforming into a "DNA shape" which then got attached to Darkrai's body. Deoxys and Darkrai then both glowed brightly and finally merged to form the Dark/Psychic type beast, Darkeoxys... Darkrai's Dark Void now had an accuracy of 150% due to Deoxys being a Psychic type and Psychic types being able to concentrate on every single attack. It now had an ability called "Psycho Nightmare" which worked similarly to Darkrai's ability, Bad Dreams, but this time, it left the target so traumatized even after waking up that they got paralyzed after waking up!
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'That pokemon seems threatening...' Darkeoxys thought as it used Dark Void on Shaymin. Darkeoxys then used 4 Nasty Plots quickly by transforming into it's Speed Form and then used Ice Beam. That knocked Shaymin out.
The next target of this beast was unfortunately Jirachi, then Manaphy, then Phione, then Victini and finally Celebi... After dealing with Celebi, Darkeoxys had got tired but it still had no intention to stop.
'Now, time for me to wipe out a big portion of the battlefield, haha!' Darkeoxys thought 'It surely will hurt my allies too and potentially kill them but they will get killed anyways if they lose and I don't want to take any chances so, HERE WE GO! PSYCHIC ON THE BATTELFIELD!'
Darkeoxys used Psychic on a portion of the battlefield and that portion got completely obliterated. This is when everyone looked up to Darkeoxys with horror in their eyes and realized how powerful of a dangerous threat it was.
'FINISH THIS OFF, NOW!' Diantha yelled. 'I will finish you before you finish me, you pathetic joke!' Darkeoxys yelled as it went towards Diantha to use Focus Punch. Diantha was shocked and terrified and the only thing she could do is just watch as Darkeoxys came towards her, to kill her...
Before anything bad happened, Mega Gardevoir protected Diantha and took the Focus Punch herself. 'Ahhh, you again, Gardevoir!' Darkeoxys yelled 'DIE!' It used Flash Cannon on Gardevoir before she could even do anything.... The Steel Move was so powerful that it created a hole in Gardevoir's body and also killed Diantha at the same time, since the cannon went through Gardevoir just to hit Diantha. Gardevoir fainted and fell to the ground but before Diantha died Darkeoxys yelled "OH, GIVE ME SOME OF YOUR HEALTH BEFORE DYING!" and then used Drain Punch on Diantha to suck up the remaining life within her.
By now, Darkeoxys had become a threat on the battlefield that should be reckoned with...
'Use X-Scissor, Trevenant...' Calem said. Trevenant first used Shadow Sneak to get near Deoxys and startle it and then used X-Scissor. Darkeoxys yelled in pain since that X-Scissor hurt a LOT!
Deoxys suddenly started to fell something. Darkrai was trying to come out of it's fusion! It was trying to get out of it's body. Deoxys tried it's best to make Darkrai not get away but the X-Scissor had made it too weak. Darkrai was finally able to be free and it immediately used Dark Pulse on Deoxys to defeat it.
Darkrai had become weak too, thanks to the X-Scissor but it would be able to manage to survive nonetheless...
Just when the Pitch-Black pokemon thought that... That it would be able to survive even with such low health... Pegagod used the fairy type Megahorn and ended Darkrai, once and for all. Pegagod seemed to be angry at Deoxys fainting. It yelled and gave a battle cry declaring that it had now turned serious about this battle and would destroy her enemies, no matter what...