Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem were all glowing at the same time. Alder widened his eyes in astonishment. 'C-could it be?' he thought as he Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem all turn into nothing but a strong, bright glowing body of light and then... FUSE!
'It truly is happening!' Alder thought 'B-but... If all of them merge then... Kyurem will have to sacrifice itself... So, is it truly willing to do so for the sake of the Pokemon World?' Kyurem screamed in pain as it got reduced to nothing as Reshiram and Zekrom fused together! Kyurem had sacrificed itself for the good of the Pokemon World! Alder was truly astonished. 'Such an evil looking pokemon... did such a noble thing today...' he thought 'I will never forget this... I, the former Champion of Unova, shall always remember your sacrifice, KYUREM!'
All the three dragons fused together to form one dragon- THE ORIGINAL UNOVAN DRAGON - VULCRYEM!
Vulcryem - The Pokemon of Truth and Ideals. Complete Dragon Type. Ability: Fairy Canceller. This pokemon's Dragon Type attacks won't be immune on any Fairy Type and any Fairy Type move won't affect it. In fact, this pokemon would be immune to any fairy type attack and it's dragon type moves would be Super Effective against Fairy Types! It had an incredibly high attack, defense, special attack, special defense and speed.
'The Original Unovan Dragon, The Dragon that is STRONGER than Rayquaza, the strongest Dragon of all, VULCRYEM, HAS RETURNED!!!!' Alder exclaimed. Every other pokemon trainer that had arrived on the battlefield were overjoyed that such a powerful pokemon was now on their side. More pokemon trainers started appearing in the battlefield too which made them stronger as every minute passed by!
'Fools...' Deoxys thought 'Raytimate must be more powerful than this stupid dragon...'
Suddenly, it saw some pokemons coming towards the battlefield. They were completely dark in color and also had a mysterious dark aura surrounding them. They were similar to the normal legendary pokemons when it came to shape and size but they seemed to be way more powerful.
Calem turned back only to see Dark Lugia, Dark Mewtwo, Dark Ho-oh, Dark Dialga, Dark Palkia, Dark Entei, Dark Suicune, Dark Raikou, Dark Silvally and Dark Diancie coming towards them.
He widened his eyes as he realized that even these remaining dark pokemon understood the good of the Pokemon World and were there to join the fight against the alien pokemons!
All the alien pokemons started their attacks! All the Clefairies and Clefables used Moonblast at all the Legendary Dark Pokemons all at once so most of them fainted right there. Only Dark Mewtwo, Dark Lugia and Dark Diancie survived the attack.
The Unovan Dragon used DRAGON BEAM which was a 120 power Dragon type move with 100% accuracy on the Clefaries and Clefables and it was SUPER EFFECTIVE! Many of them fainted right then and there too! Dark Diancie Mega evolved into Mega Dark Diancie and held her Dark Diamond Sword tightly as she went to slice up the Elygems and Beheeyems with NO MERCY! She was incredibly quick so many of them died right there!
Leon GIGANTAMAXED his Charizard which surprised many of the alien pokemons. He smiled as the Charizard started attacking it's enemies!
Lance looked at Mega Rayquaza as it destroyed all of it's enemies easily. He took out his Dragonite. 'Hey Dragonite, do you think you can make me reach Mega Rayquaza once so I can talk with it?' he asked. Dragonite nodded it's head in "Yes". 'Great!' Lance joyfully said 'If Rayquaza obeys me then I myself can possibly... Single-handedly end this war! If I manage to reach Steven in his spaceship, which, I assume he still is in, seeing that he is nowhere in the battlefield, then... I can defeat him and end this war for once and for all!'
Lance sat on Dragonite's back as it quickly reached Mega Rayquaza. Once they neared Mega Rayquaza, Dragonite slowed down a bit since it didn't want to get accidentally attack by such a powerful pokemon like Rayquaza! Rayquaza quickly finished an Elygem with Fire Blast and then turned towards Dragonite and Lance since Dragonite was sending it a signal. 'Ask Rayquaza if it can make me reach Steven who is currently out of this planet right now...' Lance told to Dragonite 'All Rayquaza will have to do is make me reach Steven and then help me defeat him! If we can do that, then... WE CAN END THIS WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL!'
Dragonite told Mega Rayquaza exactly what Lance told to it and after some thinking, RAYQUAZA AGREED! Lance was overjoyed at Rayquaza's agreement. Dragonite neared Mega Rayquaza even more so that Lance could get off of it's back and get on Mega Rayquaza's back so that they could reach Steven! He told Dragonite to use Protect around him so that nothing would happen to him even when he wouldn't be in a suitable environment for the average human.
And so, Mega Rayquaza used EXTREME SPEED as it and Lance blasted off into space. It would not stop till it reached Steven!
Deoxys saw this and narrowed it's eyes. 'Are they going to defeat Steven or something?' it thought 'If so, then... I hope they do. I hope Steven dies, anyway. So that the lives of the pokemon from our plant wouldn't be lost anymore... I wish you the best of luck... Rayquaza!'
Mega Rayquaza and Lance were extremely close to reaching Steven stone after just a few minutes, thanks to Rayquaza using Extreme Speed the entire time! And after a few more couple of minutes, THEY HAD ALREADY REACHED STEVEN!

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...