Ash's Dream, The Death of All Pokemon

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'Ah, that was fun...' Steven thought as he returned back to his own body from Raytimate.

After Raytimate's defeat, the War went on and surprisingly, things seemed bright for the Earthlings! The most powerful alien pokemons had been defeated and now, they vastly outnumbered the rest of them! Victory was secured...

'We have got it!' Zeraora yelled to its allies 'Our victory is secured!' 'Yes!' Lopunny replied 'We shall win!' 'We are strong!' Mamoswine yelled. 'The aliens will have to run away or die, now...' Chesnaught yelled. 'Yeah, their defe-'

The ground burst open... 

Pitch Black smoke burst out of the cracked ground like water out of a fountain.

'W-What's happening?' people thought.

An explosion had just happened.

An explosion of Darkness...

An explosion of Terror...

An explosion that took literally everyone by surprise.

Millions of Unowns, along with Steven Stone himself, emerged out of that smoke. 'It was quite fun seeing all these naive lifeforms bicker among each other, it was nice to see so much death, blood and destruction, but now, I will do what I must and end it here.' he said 'I had sent an entire invasion of alien pokemon just for this war to happen and to show how Ash Ketchum, the Mastermind, was right! If Pokemons exist, battles will exist, and battles shall turn into war, war into destruction, sadness and tragedies. And now that I have proven his point, I will fulfill his dream, too! The dream of wiping out all pokemons from this existence... Even the Unowns that are in my body are willing to sacrifice themselves, just for me, since they are pokemons, too. And because there are so many Unowns in my body, I have turned into one, too. So I shall sacrifice myself when I destroy all the Pokemons from this, and all other universes, too. So that it becomes a better place to live in! With my godly powers, I shall wipe out the memories you have with your pokemons, too! So, let's it begin!'

Steven Stone's eyes glowed red and he smiled as the Unowns used the maximum of their powers and suddenly, all the Pokemon Trainers on the battlefield could feel their memories with their pokemons being wiped away and replaced with something else, and the pokemons themselves could feel it... They could feel it... It wasn't even death, there was no pain... It was just, non-existence. Even their feelings soon turned into nothing-ness as they simply stopped existing anymore.

'Ash was not successful but I could see what he dreamed!' Steven yelled 'He dreamed a wonderful Utopia without any pokemon and without any sadness... But it's all too sad that even with all the greatness that he had, he never stumbled upon the Unowns, because if he did, I am sure he would be just as successful as me and no Red or no Arceus would ever be able to stop him...' 

With the unlimited power of the Unowns, what Steven wanted was being completed... The memories, wiped. The pokemons, gone. 

Even the alien pokemons who had fought for Steven's side were disappearing into nothingness, Steven was finishing off every pokemon with his powers!

'And soon, after I am done, a new beginning shall start, and a Pokemon-less Utopia shall be created! I shall make civilization restart, but this time, without these idiotic creatures called Pokemons! I, with my Godly Powers, shall shape a new earth, a new civilization, and a new society! A Pokemon-less one! I shall do what Ash could not...' 

Steven was doing exactly what he said, he was reshaping and reconstructing everything! And making a new pokemon-less universe... 

There was nothing or nobody who could stop him... 

There was nothing or nobody who could make the pokemons exist again...

And if nothing or nobody could stop him, he was going to reach his goal, he was going to reach his dream, and get... What he wanted - The Nonexistence of All Pokemon.

And that, he did.

He was successful in pulling it off with his Godly Unown powers and he was finally successful in making Ash's dream come true...

He reversed everything and made civilization as a whole restart and after everything was done... The Time had come.

The Unowns themselves sacrificed and along with the Unowns, the rest of the universe and Steven, too.

With their power, they were successful in now destroying the entire universe, thus ending the Pokemons forever.

 All there was left now... Was nothing!  

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