'Maybe Hoopa can summon the rest of the legendaries of this world!' Gold excitedly yelled. 'Yeah yeah, that's exactly what I was planning to do...' Green replied. 'Oh, that's amazing!' Gold said.
Diantha and the other champions came back to them. 'Almost all people have the pokemon world has gathered to protect it.' Diantha said 'This battle will be won by us for sure! Steven will fail.'
A crystal suddenly sliced through Trace. 'W-wha...' he thought as he died. 'No...' all of them heard Deoxys' voice inside their head and looked up in the air to see Deoxys, Pheromosa, Kreator, Destror, Trinotor and many other pokemons teleporting into the Pokemon World.'
Leon took out his Charizard but before it could even attacked, Pheromosa kicked it right up in the air. Then, it grabbed Leon and used HYPER BEAM! That completely OBLITERATED the Galar Champion.
It suddenly got attacked from the back. Diantha's Gardevoir had Moonblasted it. It turned around just to receive another Moonblast which hurt even more this time! Green took out Granbull and used Play Rough, which took out Pheromosa right then and there.
Suddenly, all the buildings and houses started getting obliterated! It was Draco Meteor! 'There's a Dragon type pokemon in there...' Diantha thought as she turned to see the pokemons that Deoxys was bringing into their world and she was completely astonished when she saw how many there were at this point. And that wasn't even the end... MORE were coming!
Their army was getting stronger every second. With every teleport! The people of the pokemon world all ran towards the are that was being attacked! They were ready to face Deoxys and the other pokemons head on. 'Ahhh, so they have finally come.' Deoxys thought 'For their death.'
Green took out Hoopa as Raytimate kept Draco Meteoring the area. Gardevoir had put up a protect so it wouldn't hurt Diantha and the others.
After Hoopa had come out, Green ordered it to summon every legendary and mythical pokemon in existence. For the sake of the pokemon world! Gold also took out all his pokemons, including Ho-oh and Lugia!
Legendary pokemons from the alien world like the Elemental Knights had appeared! The Elemental Knights consisted of Blazeord, Aquard, Naturst, Thundurst, Landord and Windardium!
Blazeord- A fire type. It has a body (which mostly has a human shape) completely made out of fire. It's specialty is that it holds a fire sword, which has the ability to 100% burn the target when the target is with the sword. If anyone even tries to touch this pokemon, they melt, so only special attacks work against it!
Aquard- A water type. It has a body (which mostly has a human shape) completely made out of water. It's specialty is that it holds a water sword, which has the ability to instantly throw the target far away when they are hit with it. If anyone tries to touch this pokemon, it absorbs them and they drown in it. No matter how much they struggle to escape, once they touch it, it;s impossible to escape it's wrath. Almost like quicksand.
Naturst- A grass type. It has a body (which mostly has a human shape) completely made out of leaves, flowers, vines etc. It's specialty is that it holds a swords made out of a leaf, which is so sharp that it can cut almost anything apart! The sword also ALWAYS lands a critical hit.
Thundurust- An electric type. It has a body (which mostly has a human shape) completely made out of pure electricity. If anyone gets striked by it's sword, they get paralyzed and if anyone tries to touch this pokemon, they receive a damage of 200 and get instantly paralyzed. Even Ground type pokemon are not immune to it, because it's electricity is too much to handle for them!
Landord- The lord of the land. A ground/rock type. It has a body completely made out of sand, mud and rocks, and is known to be the ugliest pokemon in existence. If anyone gets striked by it's sword, they get poisoned. And if it waits for 6 turns without using any moves, it can crack the land open which does 1000 damage to every pokemon on the field. It also has the lowest defense out of all Elemental Knights.
Windardium- The Guardian of the Wind. A flying/normal type. It has a body (which is mostly human in shape) made completely out of wind. It's speciality is that it holds a sword made out of nothing but strong wind, which can throw the target far away from the battlefield (similar to the normal type move- Hurricane). If anyone tries to touch it's body, they get hit by a strong wing and receive damage of 200.
The Elemental Knights also have the ability to fuse and when they do, they have the Attack, Special Attack, Defense, and Special Defense of 10,000 but Speed of 1.
Deoxys also had such strong legendary pokemons like Tentatinity, Fatighter, Galaxian, Pegagod, Viruz, Kaigon and Eatoof by it's side.
Tentatinity- A grass and dark type pokemon. It has infinite tentacles and has a similar appearance to Tangela. It itself is not that speedy and can't even move properly but it's tentacles, surely ARE! It's tentacles are almost as speedy as Speed Form Deoxys! A strike from one of it's tentacles has 30% chance of poisoning the target. Once it tangles you with it's tentacles, there's no escape. Not even if it's a fire type pokemon.
Fatighter- The heavy fighting pokemon. It is really heavy and so has the speed of 60, but the attack of 300 and defense of 300. It's special attack is 10 but special defense is 500. It is a normal/fighting type pokemon.
Galaxian- You can see the entire universe on the skin of this pokemon, if it even is a skin. Some say that the entire universe resides inside of it. And some say that it helped Arceus create the universe but was weakened by him since he didn't want Galaxian to make an universe of it's own. It is a Dark/Psychic type pokemon and can sense everything going on in the universe. It has the speed of 30 but can teleport incredibly fast which makes it powerful. It's defense and special defense is very high but special attack and attack are average. However, it has a move named GALAXY BURST which does the damage of 700. It waits 3 turns after that. It also has a move named "Full Recover" which restores it's health completely, but gives it a poison/burn/asleep status.
Pegagod- A pegasus pokemon. Fairy/Flying type. It has a Megahorn move which is fairy type and does 170 damage. It can also fly incredibly fast which results in it's speed of 288. It's ability is "grace" which has the 10% chance of mesmerizing the opposing pokemon so much that they straight up refuse to obey the trainer during battle, until they get healed at a Pokemon Center!
Viruz- A virus pokemon. Electric type. Nobody has seen it's true form yet, since it only resides in electronic devices and spreads viruses in them. It is an incredibly speedy pokemon and can even make devices explode! It's true potential has never been discovered.
Kaigon- A dragon pokemon. Dragon/Rock type. It is a half dragon, half dinosaur. It is incredibly tall and can shoot incredibly strong purple beams out of it's mouth which burns every target! It also has a very large tail which can crush somebody. It's Roar is so loud that not only does it throw the target out of the battlefield but it gets to choose what the opposing trainer has to bring to the field next!
Eatoof- A Normal type pokemon. It loves eating food and it loves making them. It can please any pokemon by instantly making food out of thin air. While they are eating, it attacks them! Some of it's moves are Chilling Sugar which has a 70% chance of freezing the target, Hot Curry which has a 100% chance of burning the target or Junk Rush which has a 50% chance of poisoning the target. It also has a move named Sleep Beam (120 attack) which is guaranteed to put the target to sleep.
Lunala, Solgaleo, three Necrozmas, a Dusk Mane Solgaleo, a Dawn Wings Lunala, an Ultra Necrozma, Raytimate and hundreds of Elygem, Beheeyem, Clefairy and Clefables were also on Deoxys' side.

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanficThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...