'Huh, I myself can defeat the leader of the Swords of Justice, Cobalion, and the healer of the Swords of Justice, Virizion, easily!' Blazeord proudly said. Cobalion smiled as it replied "We'll see!" and used Stone Edge on Blazeord! That hurt him a lot but still wasn't enough to faint the Knight of Fire!
Virizion used a Leaf Blade on Aquard and easily managed to faint it since it was a critical hit! She smiled after doing that and used Swords Dance to boost up her attack. Keldeo smiled seeing how incredibly powerful his friends or rather... His family, were! He was really very proud of them! And he also wanted to do something. He also wanted to FIGHT! Since he also was a member of the Swords of Justice, after all.
So he gathered up all his strength and courage and tranformed into his RESOLUTE FORM and rushed towards Windardium since Windardium seemed to be the most threatening foe to them. Keldeo wanted to finish that threat quickly! Keldeo also used Stone Edge on Windardium and it seemed like it would hurt it a lot but... That attack fazed right through it. Windardium smiled.
'Haha, kid...' it began 'My body is completely made out of nothing but wind, you fool! There is only one thing that I have that is not ENTIRELY made out of air and that is... Hahaha, am I a fool like you? I shall not tell that to you! Find it out for yourself!'
'He is not the fool here, YOU are.' Cobalion interrupted after having finished Blazeord 'You gave away that SOMETHING that you have isn't completely made out of wind and from what I can tell, it's your sword. Since... A sword completely made out of wind wouldn't do much damage. So while your sword might contain some strong breeze in itself, it has to not be made out of wind and it has to be your weak spot! THE SWORD OF JUSTICE! ATTACK WINDARDIUM'S SWORD!'
'Arghhh!' Windardium yelled as it used Floaty Fall on every member of the Swords of Justice! At first, it seemed like Windardium was using an Earthquake since at first, the ground began to tremble but then, they realized it was something else... SOMETHING ELSE WAS HAPPENING! It was not just trembling. IT WAS BEING UPROOTED FROM THE GROUND!
'Yes, I used Floaty Fall which means the ground you stand upon shall be uprooted and shall be taken high up in the air, then thrown back onto the ground!' Windardium yelled 'Quite a glorious fall, don't you think!'
The Swords of Justice tried to get out of that portion of the land but it was too late. It had already risen up in the air and was ready to fall! 'From what I can tell, this is a flying type move and if so, WE WILL GET CRUSHED AND FAINT!' Virizion yelled. 'Or maybe, even... die...' Cobalion replied. Keldeo started panicking. 'Stay calm, Keldeo!' Terrakion said 'We shall face what happens! If Death awaits us, so be it! I can take it head on!'
The portion of the land that they were standing on finally turned upside down and started falling! It fell and absolutely destroyed the Swords of Justice. The Elemental Knights... had triumphed!
Meanwhile, Lance had already reached Steven by riding on the Mega Rayquaza. The legendary pokemon on the spaceship and left it to him to get inside! 'Thanks, Rayquaza...' he said with a smile on his face 'Your power is incredible. Now, I get why people call you the King of Dragons! It was an honor for a Dragon and Flying Champion like me to meet the greatest Dragon and Flying Pokemon of all time!'
Mega Rayquaza gave a happy noise and then gave a sad look towards Lance as it had to go back...
Lance big the legendary pokemon goodbye and then went in.
He started walking inside the spaceship. It was mostly blue and purple inside. 'It sure does look like it's made out of incredibly high technology!' Lance thought. He kept walking and walking until he finally found a room. 'Finally!' he thought 'I hope Steven in this room. I need to meet him so that I can finish him off and end the war for good.'
He entered the room. Steven was there... Standing... With a knife... He was holding Gold. 'Come any further and this guy's throat gets slit!' Steven yelled 'Haha, I knew you would come! I was waiting for you! You though I would let you kill me so easily? If you even TRY, you shall LOSE GOLD!' 'No, finish him off, for onc-' Gold tried to encourage Lance to finish off Steven but Steven held the knife closer to his neck.
'How did you even get him?' Lance yelled. 'My Shiny Metagross, happens to be a Psychic pokemon...' Steven said with a smile.
'DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM!' Gold yelled 'WHO IS MORE IMPORTANT, ME OR THE LIVES OF THE OTHER PEOPLE IN THE POKEMON WORLD!?!' 'Ahhh, stop talking or I will absolutely obliterate you into thousands of pieces!' Steven said.
'This guy truly is insane...' Lance thought 'What do I do... Listen to Gold... Or go away... Wha- Wha... WHAT DO I DO?!?!!!!!'

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...