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Nurse Joy and the others quickly went to the Johto PikaTV Office. She went up to one the employees and told her that the news they had come with very important and they would like to put the news on television as quickly as possible. That employee knew that Nurse Joy wouldn't lie and so he texted a person to come down and then said to Nurse Joy "The person coming down with the red suit will be the one who shall write down your story. I am going out for now since I have to interview the celebrity champion Diantha! Going to Kalos surely will take a long time.'

'An interview?' Nurse Joy asked 'That's so sudden. I don't think a new movie of her's has come out right now. Is there any other special occasion or something?' 'Yeah!' the employee replied 'It's her birthday! And her birthday is celebrated in a GRAND way. All the Gym Leaders, Battle Frontiers and probably the Elite Four members and Champions will arrive in Kalos.' The employee left in a hurry after saying that as he said "Bye, Nurse Joy!"

'Uhh, if all the Champions are going then shouldn't we be invited too?' Brendan asked. 'No, she is probably going to invite the former Champions like Cynthia and Steven because they were her friends, not us.' Gold replied 'And then, shouldn't you be invited to her birthday too? Lance?' 'I don't want to go to her birthday.' Lance said. 'Why?' Gold asked.

'I don't really like her.' Lance explained 'She is the master of Fairy Types and I hate Fairy Type pokemons, after all. It's so stupid that the fairies are immune to Dragons. How can such small little fairies be more powerful than giant beasts? And also, she told that I should change my pokemons since they looked "too angry" and "too cruel". She told that all Pokemon should be nice hearted like fairies. She just doesn't understand that my Dragon Type Pokemons are nice hearted too. She thinks fairies are the only "nice hearted" pokemons and that the Fairy Type is the superior type in the Pokemon World which is absolutely ridiculous!'

'Wow, you really don't like her.' Calem said 'I would say that she is a nice person. I had a pretty nice experience battling with her. She wasn't too dramatic nor too childish. Just how a champion should be!' 

Suddenly the person with the red suit came to them. It was Lorelei. 'Hey, it's Lorelei of the Elite 4!' Brendan said. 'Yeah, didn't know she worked here too.' Gold replied. 'Yeah, Nurse Joy, tell me your story.' Lorelei said 'Tell me fast. I have to go to Kalos soon enough for a stupid birthday party. Also, Hey Lance, Gold and Calem! Nice to meet you all.' 'So, when did you start working for PikaTV?' Lance asked 'Didn't you work for Empire News a while ago?' 'Yeah but that news channel started getting so much less attention since Team Empire collapsed and the employees there weren't even getting paid properly for that reason so joined this one since this one is the most popular one right now.'

'Wait, Team Empire had a news channel and you actually worked for it?' Calem asked. 'Yeah, I supported Team Empire, actually.' Lorelei said 'It gifted me an Articuno and a Regice, after all!' 'Oh, that's why you "supported" it.' Lance said 'Phew, you scared me for a second.'

'Anyways, Joy, tell me the story, quickkkk!' Lorelei told. 'I will tell it to you!' Gold said 'So listen, you remember that attack in Kanto a short while ago? In which Deoxys and a few other pokemons destructed a city and a town of the region?'

'Yup.' Lorelei said while jotting down "related with Deoxys' Kanto Attack".

'Yeah so it's related with that!' Gold said 'The Deoxys attacked us too... But this time... With two pokemons we had never seen before. One of them had wings made of pure crystal and the other one had wings made of what seemed like a poisonous gooey liquid!' Lorelei's face suddenly turned serious. 'And not only did they attack us, they also killed some of us! They killed Blue, Lucas, Nate, Hilbert, Chase, Elio and the new Champion of Galar, VICTOR!' Lorelei widened her eyes. 

'So the Galar Champion and the other Champions didn't go missing, after all!' she said 'They were all KILLED!' 'Yes, and we fear that we will be too.' Calem said 'That Deoxys is targeting us. It is bringing some weird yet extremely power pokemons each time to defeat us! And I think after it finishes us off, it will try to invade the Pokemon World! I have observed that all the Pokemons Deoxys have brought to attack us up until now come from another place. The Ultra Beasts come from an unknown place and the other two ones are COMPLETELY unknown to us so... I think that Deoxys is trying to attack Earth itself. I think alien pokemons are trying to attack Earth! I think they are trying to destroy us!'

'Too much speculation.' Lorelei said. 'You are wrong.' Gold said 'I don't think these "alien" pokemons would want to attack us for no reason. And also, Deoxys said that we are a threat to its "Master". So maybe the one commanding it is a human, after all!' 'Or an alien pokemon is it's master!' Calem said 'How do you know that Pokemons aren't the master of Pokemons in the alien world?' 'Okay I think we are getting a bit off topic here, I will tell the story to everyone not only in this region but everyone in the pokemon world right now!' Lorelei said. 

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