Back in Earth, the surviving Champions had now traveled to Johto to avoid Kanto completely since they feared that Deoxys and the other Ultra Beasts might attack that region once again.
They were roaming around the Frontier Access of Johto when Gold suddenly saw someone familiar. It was the former Champion of Johto and the strongest Elite 4 of Kanto- Lance!
Lance had also spotted Gold and the others and so he quickly rushed to them. 'I had heard that all of you were there during the Alien Attack in Kanto!' he said 'Glad of you are safe. I was worrying for no reason, as it seems. The Pokemon World doesn't want to lose it's strongest trainers, after all.' 'Yeah, we are fine.' Gold said 'But I fear that the attacks won't stop so soon because they had unfortunately managed to get away last time. We defeated one of them but I am pretty sure that even that Ultra Beast has been healed by now.'
'Yeah and if they attack again, we'll see!' Blue bravely told 'They only managed to get away last time because they caught us off guard but this time we are prepared!' 'But if we don't defeat them, they will kill more of us, we should remember that too...' Brendan said. 'WHAT?' Lance yelled 'T-they killed someone? WHO?'
'Not just someone, but a few people...' Brendan replied 'Chase, Victor and Elio...' Lance was shocked. 'That happened because all of them came altogether!' Blue said 'That's why they overpowered us!'
'Wait...' Lance said 'They.... Came Altogether... Does that mean that this was a planned attack?' 'Yeah, Deoxys probably planned it.' Calem said 'He seemed to be like their leader, anyways.' 'But research shows that Deoxys may have a great intelligence but it can never organize or plan anything. The only thing it can do with it's intelligence are calculations. That's it.' 'Uhhh, doesn't it's Psychic power come from it's intelligence too?' Nate asked. 'No, it's gifted with that from birth.' Lance replied 'Then... That means... That, the attack in Kanto was organized by none other than a human!'
'I think you are jumping to conclusions.' Blue said 'There can be other aliens who have higher intelligence than us who are organizing the attacks!' 'But only humans have the power to capture and control Pokemons because the things a Pokeball is made out of is only found in Earth so no alien or alien pokemon would be able to control all the Ultra Beasts and Deoxys and so the person who is doing all of this HAS to be a human and this is not called jumping to conclusions. This is called thinking.'
'Ehhh, I still don't believe it though.' Blue said 'Anyways, I need to prepare for another attack like this. Want to battle with me again, Lance? You already lost the first time in the Kanto League. Let's see how you do this time!' Lance smiled as he said "I have improved a lot, kid. You won't be able to defeat me now."
'OH, WE'LL SEE!' Blue yelled as he took out his Alakazam. Lance smiled. 'Yes, you'll see for sure.' he said as he took out his Gyarados.

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...