'So, have you told them about what's coming?' Steven asked. 'Yes, although, why would you want to warn them?' Deoxys asked back. Steven smiled. 'I want them to be prepared...' he said 'The Smoke of Doom said that both sides must be prepared. Only then he would destroy the Pokemon World altogether...'
'When did the Smoke of Doom say all of this to you, or are you making all of this up?' Deoxys asked. 'It said it to me through the psychic powers that it possesses!' Steven answered. 'But, The Smoke of Doom shouldn't have any psychic powers...' Deoxys replied 'In fact, as far as I know, it doesn't have and can never learn any psychic moves! Although, it's a new pokemon, after all, so I might not know much about it.' 'What do you mean by "new" pokemon?' Steven asked. 'We discovered it days before you landed on our planet with the help of the Unowns.' Deoxys answered. 'Huh, that's interesting...' Steven though, narrowing down his eyes.
'Anyways, when do we attack?' Pheromosa asked. 'Have you prepared 'em all, Pheromosa?' Steven asked. 'Yes!' Pheromosa replied 'Destror, Kreator, Trinotor, Deoxys, Raytimate you and all the other legendaries of this planet will DESTROY the weak pokemons of the Pokemon World!' Steven yelled 'THEY WILL WITNESS TRUE POWER. And after that, DEATH!' 'Wait, aren't you sending your Unowns to the field?' Deoxys asked.
'And why do you want me to get those Unowns out of my body?' Steven asked with a sly smile 'So that I can become powerless for you to kill me, eh?' 'N-no!' Deoxys yelled 'If I wanted, I could do that now anyways...'
Suddenly Deoxys got teleported right in front of a black hole. 'Then do it...' Steven's voice hissed in it's head 'Do it before you get torn apart by this black hole... Torn apart... In a painful way... Torn Apart... LIKE A PIECE OF PAPER!'
'I WAS JOKING!!!!!!' Deoxys yelled 'YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND JOKES, STEVEN STONE!!! I WAS JOKING!!!!!!!!!' He got transported back into the spaceship that they were in. 'Jokes can often be costly...' Steven whispered in Deoxys' ear 'It almost cost you your life, you know... Do well in the "war", or I will put you back in that black hole...'
Deoxys twisted it's neck towards Steven as it said "You think doing this will go well for you? Heh, no. Once those Unowns are out of your body, I shall instantly kill you!" 'But before doing that, you shall be killed, you fool...' Steven thought 'Because when The Smoke of Doom will destroy the Pokemon World, ALL OF YOU will be in it too! All of you will be destroyed! HAHAHAHA!'
Back in the Pokemon World, all the Champions had told the citizens of Kalos to prepare for a war, since Deoxys had said so. They had been frightened that such a powerful pokemon like Deoxys and mysterious alien pokemons that they had never known about were challenging them and that is why people from all regions started coming to Kalos to help in the Pokemon war. There was no way even strong alien pokemons could stand a chance in front of the might of UNITY!
'Hey, Lance...' Calem said 'Steven Stone, the person who is operating the attacks, is in a spaceship. Which is surprisingly very close... Is there any way you could reach him with your Dragonite because if you could... maybe... just maybe you could stop this war...'
Lance smiled. 'My Dragonite is not that powerful.' he said 'Not even after coming to it's true potential.... Only a Rayquaza could do that...' His eyes suddenly shifted towards someone. Someone familiar. That familiar person was coming to them! 'G-Green?' Lance stuttered in astonishment. 'HEY!' Green joyfully said. 'We are meeting after such a long time!' Lance said 'I thought that... You went missing because you got killed by the Mewtwo you wanted to catch!'
'Well, I couldn't catch the Mewtwo because another young trainer with an overpowered Pikachu did it but I sure did catch another pokemon!' she said 'And that one's a strong legendary too! Although not as strong as Mewtwo, it is a very powerful fighter!' 'Which one?' Lance asked. 'Hoopa!' Green excitedly said. Calem was surprised. 'Woah, even I couldn't catch THAT pokemon!' he said 'It just kept teleporting me to other places through it's portals.'
'Hehe, it tried to do that to me too, but the trick is that you gotta hold back the ring of the portal and then throw that ring away!' Green told. 'Uhh, that's a pretty weird trick!' Calem said. 'So you were in Kalos all along?' Lance interrupted. 'EEEEEEYUP!' Green said with excitement.
Gold was thinking of something... He suddenly widened his eyes as a grin spread across his face. 'Hoopa...' he thought 'Portals... It can.. summon... any pokemon... TO THE BATTLEFIELD... including... Legendaries...'

Pokemon: Red's Death
FanfictionThe Pokemon World has finally realized that now they would have to deal with Red's Death. They were shocked to realize that the world's greatest Pokemon Champion had left them. Journey along with Gold and many other characters to see the new threat...