Chapter 8:

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Authors note----> OMG I know my book 1 has 2.62k reads but book 2 has already got 51 I know that's not lots but seriously that means a lot anyway enjooooooooy love you all byeee xxx

Emilee's POV:

It was 11:30 pm and grace had been settled down already so me and Luke decided it was finally time for some "us" time. we say down underneath the wool blanket and turned on the Xbox one. me and Luke picked up our controllers that Michael got us. Luke's was blue mine was pink and the said "girlfriend gamer" and the other said "boyfriend gamer" we picked them up and started to play call of duty ghosts.

"Emilee that's so unfair!" luke whisper shouted.

"Oh hush hush Luke I'm just to good for you" I tease.

"Trust emilee your not winning any time soon" he says resting his chin on my head.

"Well we will just have to see won't we?" I play. he grunts and then it starts getting more competitive.

"Ha told you I would win!" Luke says placing his controller down. I groan.

"Ha ha very funny" I playfully punch his chest.

"Emilee you know what happens when you playfully punch me" he smirks. I realise what going to happen and jump up. Luke stands up.

"Luke you know I don't like being tickled" I remind him.

"I know but that's what makes it more fun" he smirks evily. then suddenly he starts charging toward me. I run round the kitchen. and back into the lounge but Luke catches me of guard and throws me back onto the couch.

"No Luke please" I chuckle.

"No way emilee I'm not stopping" he giggles and then he tickles my body and he makes me squirm.

"Luke no I-I'm gonna p-p-pee". I laugh and he stops and collapses on top of me. he leans into my face. I smell his sweet smell his hair is flat and his lip ring wiggles as he speaks.

"Why hello" he says quite close to my face.

"Heeeey" I giggle.

"Oh god I do love you" he says then presses his lips against mine.

Ellie's POV:

Ashton was putting Ashley to sleep so I was in the kitchen squirting whipped cream in my mouth. that's me for you.

"Baby your so classic" I sing softly. then something rattles behind me and I jump. I smirk.

"Ashtoooon?" I giggle carrying the o. I hear his faint giggle and can't help but melt inside.

"I wonder where my ash is?" I question myself pretending to be confused. I head over to the lounge. I turn on the light and see him standing in front if the window holding his cheeks and blushing.

"I love the sound of your voice" he giggles.

"Your so cheesy ash" I laugh. he steps closer to me. he leans in. and presses his lips against mine I kiss his soft lips back then pull away.

"Let's get whip cream" I say.

"You know me to well" he laughs and we head over to the kitchen once more. we both take a whip cream bottle in our hand.

"Ok the game is we have to build the tallest tower we can in eachothers mouth without it falling on the floor or hitting our faces" says ash smiling.

"Your on irwin" i smirk. we step toward eachother. and start squirting it in eachothers mouth.

"Ha I win" I say and do a victory dance. Ashton pouts then puts cream in his hand.

"No ash-" I get cut off my cream getting smudged in my face.

"Aw babe you look adorable" ash says giggling. I then copy him by putting cream all over his face.

"Oh my god ellie" ashton says. we wipe the cream from our faces then step towards eachother. Ashton lifts my chin up.

"Your still my beautiful angel" Ashton says.

"And your my handsome prince" I say back. then he presses his creamy lips against mine. I deepen the kiss and it felt like it was just me and him. perfect in every single way.

Emilee's POV:

Me and Luke were cuddling in bed while me and Ellie were texting.

Emilee: ugh so bored xx

Ellie: same me and Ashton are cuddling RN lol xx

Emilee: same here xx

Ellie: emilee?

Emilee: what do you want mong

Ellie: nobody likes you cos your a barbie doll

Emilee: says you mong head

Ellie: I love you

Emilee: I love you to

Ellie: see ya duck xx <3

Emilee: bye xx <3

I feel Luke's breath against my neck. yep he's asleep. and soon enough I doze off to.

Authors note----> wanted to go for the cute sorta chapter!! Also just letting you know ellie is actually a real person. she's actually my bestfriend and this is how we act anyway love you all bye xxx

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