Chapter 18:

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A/n----> hey sorry haven't updated as regularly been a it hectic...anyway thanks a lot for 276 reads in under 3 weeks it means so much to me also book 1 is almost at 4k!!! Right now it stands at 3.9k so we're almost there !!! Thank you all so much love you all byeee xxx
Ellie's POV:
"Ellie I feel really bad for mikey..." Ashton says coming towards me wrapping his muscly arms around my waist.
"Why babe talk to me" I say turning round kissing his nose he giggles.
"Well he loves Emilee and luke and em are my OTP obviously but he's just so heart broken" he says I think about this and he is I feel bad to. Michael loves her so much.
"What should we do?" I ask.
"I don't know honey bee" he says placing a soft kiss on my cheek.
Emilees POV:
"Babe I dropped grace off at the childminders do you want to go get nandos?" Luke asked pulling up his black hood over his head just behind his quiff.
"Sure baby lets go" I say smiling getting up slipping on my black vans and taking luke hand.
We start walking to nandos hand in hand being stupid jumping,hopping, skipping we were having fun. Once we got into town centre we ended up being mobbed.
"OH MY GOD ITS LUKE HEMMINGS FROM 5SOS!" A girl screams and then were suddenly trying to get past a ton of people.
"BACK OFF HIM BITCH HES MINE!" A girl screamed I felt shattered inside. Luke stops and turns around towards the girl.
"She is not a bitch!! She is the most amazing person I have ever met!! If that is how your going to speak to her don't call yourself a fan of mine!!" Luke snarls at the girl through gritted teeth. He takes my hand and starts pulling me though the crowd.
"ew is that lukes girlfriend she is so ugly!" I hear a fan shout.
"Ewe yuck yuck yuck how could he of picked that?!" Another one shouts.
"Shut up you cows she's so pretty I'm defo a fan" one screams
"Yeah same she's gorgeous they are perfect" one adds I feel happy that they are sticking up for me but I feel broken inside about what the others said about me. It brought back memories...
"Your such an ugly little girl!" My father screams.
"God I wish you would die you hopeless cow!" He screams once more. I feel his foot in my stomach and I curl up in pain. My lifeless 15 year old body curled up in pain and upset as my brutal father beat me. I then hear the bedroom door close. I scramble to the window and see him heading toward the pub. I sigh in relief. Tears were streaming down my face. I run to my bathroom and to my cabnit. I take out my blades.
"I have to I p c-can't take it a-a-anymore" I then run the cold blade across my pale wrists and slit it open. I cry out in sorrow. As the sad hurt blood pours from my wrist.
Flash back over:
"Babe babe are you ok?" I hear luke say shaking my hand. We sit down at the table i nandos and watch the crowd of screaming girls subside.
"I'm fine just thinking" I say.
"About what?" He asks worriedly.
"Nothing babe it's fine really I'm fine...I promise" I say back weakly smiling.
I hadn't told luke that I used to cut I managed to stop a year before I came out here. I only did it because of the hate my father gave to me. I thought it would take away the pain. I thought it would help. Hearing those words again broke me. It shattered me to pieces and I felt alone unwanted...hurt. It brought back the memories and it made me sad.
"Babe what those girls said to's not true ok your gorgeous your perfect I promise you I'm here I won't let anyone say that to you again" Luke smiles stoking my wrist.
"Thank you so much luke" I smile weakly.
"For what em?" He giggles.
"I could tell you so many reasons luke...but one of them is thank you for holding me" I say smiling.
"I'll hold you for over a million years" Luke said lifting up my hand and kissing it.
----later that night----
I put little grace to sleep. I told her that uncle mikey was coming over so the quicker she went to sleep the quicker uncle mikey would come. Once she fell into her deep slumber crept out of her little room and into mine and lukes where I found luke shirtless in his black skinnies and black vans sitting on the bed looking through his phone.
"Why hello there Emilee" Luke said putting his phone down and stretching while smirking. He knew exactly what he was doing he knew he was torturing me.
"Stop luke your torturing me" I said giggling and walking over to the wardrobe.
"Oh my god this is my most favourite time of the day" Luke says.
"And why is that Lucas?" I ask.
"That's not my name" he laughs.
"I get to cuddle with my favourite person" he says. I smile his reference made me feel warm inside. I pull on some grey comfy loose short tracky shorts. And a white vest I then throw my hair up in a ponytail and head over to the bed.
"Sit on me" Luke says I giggle at his command then throw one leg over each of his sides and perch myself on his lower stomach.
"Well hello there Emilee" luke says smiling
"Well hello there luke" I mimic and he giggles. I trace little circles on his chest and he rubs my back.
"I don't mind spending every day" Luke begins to sing so me and him take turns in singing our favourite song "she will be loved" by maroon 5.
"Out on the corner in the pouring rain"
"Look for the girl with the broken smile"
"Ask her if she wants to stay a while"
"And she will be loved"
"Yeah she will be loved"
We finish and then wrap my arms round his neck and pull him up. He sits up and wraps his arms around my waist. I rub the back of his hair.
"You will be loved Emilee" Luke says and I smile.
"Maybe not by the whole world...but by me you will be loved so much" Luke says he then presses his soft lips against mine and kisses my soft plump lips. I kiss back deeply and passionately. As we carry on luke sways me back and forth. I love him. I love luke.
Authors note----> sorry it's just cute chapters right now!!! But there is drama coming soon I'm just working my way up. Just letting you know I don't actually's just good drama for the story anyway don't forget to vote and recommend love you all byeee xxx

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