Chapter 32:

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Authors note----> decided to update because I love you byeee xxx
Emilee's POV:
We pulled up outside the hotel and headed inside.
"Woah" Ashley breathes giggling.
"Your laugh is cute" grace giggles. Ashley takes her hand and kisses her cheek and they stay hand in hand. Luke and Ashton go off with grace and Ashley to go find cal and michael Morgan and troye.
"Where's Maisie?" Ellie asks.
"Girls!" Maisie shouts we turn around to see an angel. her dress looks so beautiful on her and brings out her curves. her blonde hair cascades and waves down her back perectly. her vail trails down and drags along the floor like we dress and she's wearing matching white shoes to us. I feel tears.
"Oh love don't cry your mascara will run" she says walking over to me and taking me in her arms.
"SH it's ok I'm ok" I say and kiss her cheek.
"You look beautiful" Ellie says taking her in her arms.
----45 minutes later----
Emilee's POV:
Everyone had taken their seats outside and Calum Ashton Luke and Michael are standing at the front. Ashley and Grace are with us because they are the page boy and the flower girl.
"I don't know if I can do this I'm so nervous" maisie says starting to panic.
"Maisie you want to spend the rest of your life with Calum don't you?" I ask.
"Of course"
"Well then get out there and marry the dork!" I say taking her hand.
"Thanks em" she says and kisses my cheek. Maisie's dad lee walks in.
"You ready love?" He asks teary eyes holding out his arm.
"I'm ready" she takes a big breathe in and out an fakes his arm. grace and Ashley go in front and me and Ellie stand at the back. I breathe and the door opens and the music plays.
----1 hour later----
Emilee's POV:
"Then I happy to present to you mr and mrs hood you may kiss your bride!" The vicar says smiling. when we see them kiss the crowd cheers and we all go to the end of the gardens for snacks. everything was beautiful and wonderful they deserves eachother they deserves to be happy. as the night draws near we all head in to the disco room for a oarty.
The music pumps through the speakers and everyone begins to jump and dance. Ashley spins grace around.
"Did I tell you how amazing you look?" Luke comes up behind me and grabs my waist and starts swaying me back and forth.
"Well thank you" I say turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I'm so lucky" he says.
"I love you luke" I say and press our lips together he slides his tongue in and we battle it out. he pulls away and presses his fore head against mine. he was perfect he was everything to me. he was mine. we danced and danced. Luke would spin me round and round.
" I feel like we have just met again" I say and giggle.
"That truly was the best day of my life" Luke says still dancing with me. We laugh and act stupid just like we used to. I remember the time me and Luke first went clubbing.
"Luke this club is sick" I laugh he brought me here after college we had only knew eachother a couple of days but we wanted to go have some fun.
"I know right" Luke says and takes my hand and leads me inside.
People are everywhere with drinks and sweat. we jump, dance and grind against eachother with sweat pouting from our faces. it was heaven.
Flashback over:
We carried on jumping with all the guests. Luke places his hands on my waist again and presses our fire heads together. I feel home.
"You know what?" He asks.
"I'm so glad I met you because If I didn't it would if been a god damn shame" Luke says against my lips and I smile instantly.
Authors note----> I hope you love itttttt!!!! Don't forget to vote and recommend love you all byeee xxx

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