Chapter 17:

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Authors note----> soooo I just realised that I had 219 reads thanks so much guys it means a lot. So thankyouuuuuuuuu love you all byeee xxx
Emilees POV:
Me and the girls got back before the guys. Ellie said she needed to probably go and take ashley off their hands so they could concentrate so Maisie offered to stay with me I put grace in her bed and then we both sat down on the couch.
"How are you? I mean like with all the fans knowing" Maisie asks.
"I'm fine at the moment there has been no hate" I smile.
"Good! Um can I ask you something?" Maisie asks
"Sure what's up?"
"Well you play guitar and so do I Ellie knows the drums to do you wanna maybe start a band...?" She asks trailing off my face lights up with happiness.
"YES!!" I scream throwing my arms round her. She hugs back tightly.
"Wait who could play base?" I ask.
"Well this girl in Starbucks can play she's called holly" Maisie replies smiling ear to ear.
"Sounds great we can use Ellies garage to practise" I say.
"Yeah cool" she says.
----later that night----
Me and luke were cuddling on the couch I was lying on his Chest and he was playing with my fingers.
"Emilee?" Luke asks tightening his arm round my waist.
"Yes luke?" I ask turning so our eyes meet.
"Can I please chase you and when I catch you throw on the floor and then kiss you?" H giggles.
"Come get it hemmings" I smirk and then jump up and run toward the kitchen. I duck behind the counter.
"Emileeeeeee?" Luke giggles I'm almost wetting myself he is just so stupid sometimes. I jump up and run toward him I jump up into his arms and straddle him and bury my face into his neck.
"I was supposed to catch you" he laughs squeezing me.
"You were taking ages and I was missing my luke" I say to him and start kissing his neck.
"Are you serious" he asks giggling I continue placing kisses on his neck
"Aw you seriously doing this to me?" He asks rubbing my back and I continue to give him small kisses.
"I can take this anymore!" he says and the throws us both over the back of the sofa and then lays on top of me kissing me underneath my chin and onto my neck. I bring his lips to mine and smash our lips together. He kisses back harder each time. He licks my bottom lip I let his younger slip into my dry mouth our tongues battle each other out till the very end.
"I'm gonna give you a gift" Luke says smirking at me.
"Oh god" I say covering my face he then moves down to my neck and sucks it he then leaves a small hickey.
"Hope you like your little gift babe" Luke smirks.
"Oh wow thanks luke" I laugh. He then presses his lips against mine I bite his bottom lip and pull at this lip ring clinking and rattling at my touch.
"I love you Emilee" Luke says resting his head on my chest.
"I love you to luke"
"Im always here if you ever need me I'll always pick you up" he says kissing my chin
"I know luke" I say back kissing his jawline.
"Your my everything" he whispers.

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