Chapter 46: ENDING

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Authors note----> so guys this is it! The last official part of book 2...I hope you love it! love you all enjoy the last part byeee xxx
Emilee's POV:
I feel like nothing. staring up at the clouds, back against the cold pavement feeling like your going to feel empty, scared, alone...nothing.
"Emilee!" Luke says rushing down the pavement toward me. I hear his pace and I begin to cry.
He falls to his knees next to me and lifts me up. I feel his heart beat it's fast and tormented.
"We're going to hospital em this is not normal" he says lifting me up and walking me back to the house.
----in hospital----
Emilee's POV:
We walk down the hall to the X-ray room. Luke supported me while I had one arm wrapped round his torso and one holding my head.
"Luke?" I ask before walking in tears were beginning to fall down my face.
"What if something's wrong with me?" I ask him taking his hand in mine.
"Then I'll fix you" he says and kisses my head I feel his tears hit my skin.
"Goodbye luke" I whisper wiping my tears. I say and walk in the cold room.
----10 minutes later----
"Now Emilee were going to run the X ray on your head basically it will show us what's happening inside that head of yours" the nurse smiles. I nod and proceed to take the x ray.

As the XRay takes place mine and Luke's memories flash right in front of my eyes. from our first encounter to our first date to the party where we first kissed. where we moved in. everything came back to me. grace. endless chats. make out sessions everything.
"Ok emilee were done" the nurse says smiling. I weakly smile and walk back out to luke.
"How'd it go?" He asks hugging me I feel so weak right now I felt like I was going to fall into an abyss of nothing ness.
"It was fine I guess" I whimper into his chest.

We go sit in the waiting rom and begin to wait for our results.
"Luke?" I smile leaning on his shoulder.
"Emilee?" He asks back.
"Fix me yeah?" I say locking eyes with him. He smiles and nods and then places a soft kiss on my lips.
"Miss O'Connor?" The nurse says with tears brimming in her eyes. I begin to worry. I look at luke.
"Hold on with me emilee?" He asks pleadingly.
"All the way luke" I smile and walk into the room.
We sit down she looks at me sympathetically and holds my hand.
"So...?"i ask trailing off terrified or the answer.
"Emilee something's wrong..."

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