Chapter 12:

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Authors note----> hey guys sorry I haven't been updating a lot recently a lot has been happening...anyway this book came out a week ago "ABOUT A WEEK AGO WEEK AGO" *sways arms* anyway yeah it did and it already has 123 reads!!! I'm so happy thank you all so much I love you all byeee xxx
Emilees POV:
Luke is still sleeping so I took grace to her childminders and sat down on my phone. I was scrolling through twitter and I was stunned by what I saw.
The tweets went on and on I was so happy for them. Luckily I don't think luke had told his fans about us or grace I mean they have only just become big and he hasn't really experienced a fan base yet. Then it hits me. What if they find out? The hate I will get. But then again they might be really nice. I don't know. I decide to text Ellie I want my bestfriend!
COME OVER NOW!!! I'm really bored and I want my bestfriend :(
She text back 2 minutes later:
On my way babe!!! Ash is coming to but Ashley's not cos he's at his Nan's for the day see you in about 5 x :)
I smile then put my phone down to go get changed. I trudge up the stairs and into the bedroom. Luke is still asleep so I tip toe into the bathroom. I strip down and step into the shower. I instantly feel soothed and relaxed as the hot jets hit my skin. Once I'm done I wrap a towel round my wet body then tip toe out to find luke on his phone.
"Hey" I say in a raspy morning voice.
"Hey ba-" luke looks up and his mouth drops then he smirk.
"What?" I laugh.
"You don't know how badly I want to rip that towel off you" he smirks.
"Well you can't because Ellie and ash will be here any minute" I poke my younger out at him and he giggles. I pull on black leggings and Luke's greenday t shirt. I then throw my hair up in a messy pony tail with a black scrunchie. I then put on mascara and and some black eye liner.
Luke walks up behind me and rests his head on my shoulder and holds his phone up in front of me.
"Pull a face babe" luke says. I laugh then cross my eyes and stick my tounge out. Luke snaps the picture then spins me around so I'm pressed against his chest. He's wearing his "I don't trust me either" thirst black jeans black vans and a red SnapBack.
" oh my god you look so hot" I giggle burying my face into his chest.
"So do you I think you look very fit in my clothes" I laugh and press my lips against his and he moans. I can't help but laugh and he laughs back he then pulls me into is arms and sways me. Then the door goes.
*knock knock knock*
"COMING!" Luke shouts then we. Both run downstairs to open the door for our bestfriends.
"Heeeeey!" Ellie smiles. She looks so pretty her hair is up in a messy bun. She's wearing a white lace croptop with ripped denim jeans white converse and mascara.
"Heeeeey!" I say and pull her in for a hug.
"Hey Ellie" luke smiles and gives Ellie a hug.
"Hey luke"
"ASHTON!" I shout.
"EMILEE!" He shouts back and I embrace him in a warm hug. Move we all walk back inside I place myself onto Luke's lap and snuggle into his chest.
"Baaaaaabe come cuddle with me" Ashton pouts and opens his arms for Ellie to run into.
"Of course I will ash just one sec I'm just getting food and movies" then Ellie winks at me.
"My bestfriend is life"I laugh. Luke giggles and pulls me closer to him until there's no space left to be pulled into. Once Ellie comes in Ashton giggles.
"Hey Ellie" he giggles in a weird voice.
"Hey Ashton" Ellie says back to Ashton. He giggles uncontrollably.
"Hey Ellie" then he opens his arms for Ellie. Once she puts the film in and sets the good on the table she gladly accepts Ashton's warm and loving embrace. Luke starts playing with my hair and hanging it over his top lip to make a moustache while Ashton plays with Ellie's fingers. Me and Ellie look each other and roll our eyes and laugh. Then Ellie speaks up.
"Excuse me boys but me and my bestfriend are trying to watch a film" she says giggling. The boys start moaning. And fake crying.
"Luke that's not working" I say.
"But baaaaaabe I like fiddling with your face while your concentrating" he fake cries.
"That's still not working luke"'I say turning to face him. He then pouts his bottom lip out.
"Stop you know that face works on me" I say tapping his nose. I turn back to watch the film and he starts playing with my hair again.
"I hate you" I say.
"No you don't" he says and i giggle.
"Ashton stoooooooop" Ellie moans as Ashton continually plays with Ellie's fingers.
"No" Ashton says.
"I'll go cuddle with Emilee" she says then begins to move but then Ashton pulls her back onto his lap and wraps his long arms round her tiny waist.
"No you won't I want your cuddles they make me happy" he says then he nuzzles his face into her neck. Me and Ellie look at each other and smile.
"Idiots" she mouthes. I giggle a little and then nod my head. We then smile at each other and go back to watching the film.
Authors note----> sorry if it's to short I think it's long? Anyway I thought this was a cute chapter don't forget to recommend and vote thanks love you all byeee xxx

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