Chapter 31:

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Authors note----> yoooo! How ya doin? Time for an update tbh, anyway enjoy beauties!!!! Love you all byeee xxx
Emilee's POV:
Today was the day of Maisie's wedding. they both decided to base it on the twilight wedding. so flower arch and blossom trees. it was beautiful and sunny so it was a perfect day for it.
"Baby girl grace isn't awake yet so we should just get ready ourselves and wake we up like half an hour before because she dosent need much pampering" Luke suggests from the door way. I turn to see him smiling.
"Yeah sure the ceremony starts at 10am and it's 9 so we can wake her up in about 30-45 minutes" I say smiling.
"Ok babe well I'm gonna shower" he says pressing his lips on mine and walking in the bathroom. Ellie walks in with Ashton they had been staying here a few days. Ashley is crashing in graces room so they're cool for a bit.
"Who's ready for a wedding?" Ashton says excitedly.
"Meeee" me and Ellie chant holding our arms up in the air.
"Come on em let's get ready" Ellie says clapping excitedly.
"Ok" I say smiling. we had already showered we just had to do hair and makeup and get dressed. I did Ellie's hair first her blonder hair cascaded down her beautiful skin as I waved it to perfection. Apple blossom flowers were attached and cascaded down her blonde locks. she looked beautiful.
"Oh my god! Emilee it's amazing thank you oh my god" she smiled give ing me a hug.
"It's ok now get on and do mine" I laugh. Luke walks out of the shower.
"My princess is coming alive" Luke giggles.
"Shut up Luke" I laugh. and he kisses my head and walks to Ashton's and Ellie's room to get ready. Ellie waves my hair to perfection like I did with hers and attached little apple blossom flowers to it aswell. I got up and sighed in relief.
"Thanks el" I say.
"It's ok babes" she says giving me a hug.
"Where is Maisie getting ready?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.
"Calum hired her a professional" she smirks. we both laugh and stay to apply our makeup.
We apply a dark grey to our eyelids and then soften it with a glittery silver. black eyeliner would ruin it so we left it but we applied a lot of thick black mascara.
"Woah Ellie you look hot" I giggle looking at my beautiful bestfriends face.
"Thanks you look beautiful to" she replies smiling.
"Let's get out dresses!" She says excitedly. we pull on the strapless plain white dress. it came to our knees and had a bow at the top of the dress. we looked amazing. we pulled on white high heels and tied the strap around our ankles. we painted our nails white and headed downstairs.
"Oh my god daddy mummy is a princess" Ashley screams at ashton. I'm taken back. Ashton and Luke and Ashley our dressed in hot dark grey suits with a white waistcoat and white shirt. the had white roses attached to there grey jacket and they were wearing black pointy shoes. Ashton's hair was perfects wavy with a black bandana and so was ashleys. Luke's hair was perfectly quiffed he looked amazing.
"My mummy is a princess to!" Grace giggled. she had her dress on that came to her ankles and her little flats with were white and covered in sparkles. her hair was curled and rolled down her back and she had a white flower crown on.
"You both look a-amazing" Ashton said as he looked at us.
"thanks" we both say smiling. I walk up to luke.
"You look breath taking emilee" Luke says handing me my Bokay of white roses.
"So do you hemmings" I say and kiss his lips.
"Let's go get our bestfriends married!" Ashton says excitedly. I lift grace up in my arms and Ashley in Ellie's and we head towards the car. we strap in the children and manage to squeeze in. we ten headed towards the hotel they were getting married in.
Authors note----> I'm updating just for you guys!!!!

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