Chapter 37:

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Authors note----> we are 10 chapters away from finishing book
Emilees POV:
"Mummy is daddy going to be ok?" Grace asks pouting. I take her out Morgan's arms and into mine.
"Yeah daddy just got a little bit hurt" I stutter trying to hold back the burning tears.
"Oh ok did I hurt him?" She asks beginning to cry herself.
"Oh baby of course not" I soothe rubbing her back and she eventually falls asleep.
"Let's go to the hospital" and morgan nods.
----in hospital----
I lift grace up in my arms and walk up to the desk.
"Room of luke hemmings please" I say looking down.
"Ah yes room 231" she smiles. I force a weak smile.
"Here I'll take your child to the children's ward she can sleep there" the nurse says soothingly and lifts grace from me.
"Thanks..." I try to sound thankful but when your boyfriend has just been shot its kind of hard. Morgan wraps his arm round my shoulder as we head towards room 231.
Once we get outside the door I place my sweaty trembling hand upon the doorknob. I look at morgan.
"It will be ok em" he weakly smiles and rubs my back. I nod and breathe heavily. I then push open the blue door. I walk and suddenly mega hospital smells fill my lungs. I look around and then see luke lying on a bed staring at the ceiling.
"Luke!" I whisper shout and run to his side.
"Oh my god emilee" luke breathes. I climb onto the bed and lie down next to him. Morgan leaves obviously realising we want some space. I wrap my arm round his waist.
"I thought I was going to die em" luke says crying.
"You kept me alive" he told me kissing my head.
"Luke...I don't know where I would be without you...all the times you have picked me up when I have fallen I am so so so thankful I love you so much" I say kissing his temple.
"I love you so much more Emilee so so much more" he giggles. that giggle I know and love. the giggle I will never forget. we sing our favourite song by one Republic.
"Yeah with every broken bone I swear I lived" we sang intertwining our fingers.
"You know what?" Luke said giggling once more that makes my stomach explode in butterflies.
"What?" I question.
"I think I would forget to love if you weren't with me" luke says playing with much fingers.
"I don't think I would ever learn to love again if you weren't with me" I say copying his statement. he turns his head and presses his lips against mine. I felt home. I knew he was going to be safe and ok.
"You know that one Republic song?" I say.
"Yeah" he whispers.
"Sing that to me when I die" I say and close my eyes.
"I promise"he whispers and kisses my head.
Authors note----> sorry it's short!!!! But the one Republic will link to book 3. sorry if that's a giveaway but yeah. anyway don't forget to vote and recommend love you all byeee xxx

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