Chapter 39:

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Authors note----> I'm so sorry I haven't updated I've had school work to do and rough patches with friends so sorry. enjoy though.
Emilee's POV:
I opened the door and there stood Ellie and ashton.
"Hey" they both say in unison.
"Hey" we say back for some reason it's all a bit tense. they came in and sat down.
"Why don't we go to the beach?" Luke suggests. why Is this so awkward?
"Yeah let's go" I say and we grab our stuff and start heading for the beach.
"Seriously what's going on ash and Luke seem a bit tense?" I ask Ellie and she looks just as confused.
"I know it's weird anyway let's just forget it and try to have fun" she smiles. I smile back being polite but I was still confused. my head started to hurt again.
"Ugh" I sighed to my self and placed my had upon my head.

Once we get to the beach I take off my clothes am my white bikini is revealed. I throw my hair up in a messy bun and I can feel Luke's eyes on me. Ellie giggles as Ashton nuzzles his face into her neck. I smirk knowing Luke is looking.
"Are you coming or not!" I say and laugh before running to the water. I walk in and I feel soothed, relaxed and free.
"We can live like jack and Sally of we want" I sing to myself quietly blink 182 made me feel young and free.
"Where are you and I'm so sorry I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight" Luke sings back coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist singing another random bit of the song.
"Guess what I have?" Luke says smiling and turning me around.
"What do you have" I tease him.
"An underwater camera" he says smiling pulling it out from behind him.
i can't help but laugh.
"Ok" I say he then pulls me under the water and presses his lips against mine and I see a flash.
We come back up gasping for air.
"See?" Luke says and shows me the screen. it was a picture of us kissing. I must admit it looked pretty cool.
"That's actually quite cool" I say he rolls his eyes and smiles.
"I love you" he says.
"I love you to" I say back and press our wet lips together. he was the only one that made me feel this way.
Authors note----> sorry it's short but I'm tired love you all don't forget to recommend and cute byeee xxx

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