Chapter 21:

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Authors note----> HALF WAY TILL 400 READS!!!
Michaels POV:
Me Maisie and calum were deciding on what to do.
"Should we go in my car to the hospital?" Asked maisie.
"Yes come on I need to see her I need to make sure she's ok" I say nodding frantically. Cal pats me on the back.
"Let's go mate" he says. I'm so worried right now. The love of my life has 3 very deep cuts across her wrist and she had to go to hospital I was so worried. While in the car I was thinking on how to make Emilee mine. Wait! The reason why Emilee cut because of the hate. Because of the hate coming from HIS fans HIS. If I can convince Emilee that it will be better if she left luke because then she won't get hate then I can get closer to her. It sounds evil. I know. But it's hard when she's not mine.
Lukes POV:
Emilee has been in her room now for almost half an hour. I punch the walls and run my hands through my hair.
"Come on Emilee" I whisper.
"Mr hemmings?" A nurse comes up behind me and I shoot round.
"Is she ok?!" I almost shout.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO?!" I scream tears starting to stream down my face.
"Miss O'Connor has lost a lot of blood unfortunately she has cut to close to the veins and has caused herself a lot of blood loss...she's on anaesthetic...but we don't know if she will survive with such little blood but we're trying to find a doner"'she weakly smiles.
"You can go see her room 183" she says and then walks away. I'm trying to take in what she said. Might not survive? I start to run to room 183 once I get to her door I take a deep breath and hastily push the door open.
"Emilee...?" I step in.
"L-L-Luke?" Emilee stutters my heart shatters at her weak little voice. I walk in next to Emilee she is a worrying Ice white her brown eyes aren't brown anymore they are a dark grey and her lips are a dark shade of blue. I take her hand and kiss it its icy cold.
"I'm so cold luke" she stutters.
"How could you Emilee?" I ask crying she painfully turns her head so her eyes are looking into mine.
"I thought it would help" she begins to cry and burning tears start to crawl down her Icey pale cheeks.
"I'm so so sorry Emilee I'm sorry I wasn't there for you I really do love you ok your more than good enough you perfect!! I need you!! Didn't you know that?! I do I need you your my drug please don't do anything like that again please?!" I say.
"I might die luke!" She half shouts she then breaks down and so do i.
"Baby you can't think that ok? It's g-gonna be ok I p-promise" I stutter through sniffles.
"Promise?" Emilee asks.
"I promise baby ok I promise!" I say kissing her hand.
Michaels POV:
As soon as we pull up outside the hospital I jump out and run into main entrance along with maisie and calum.
"Please I need to see miss O'Connor!!" I pant at the receptionist.
"Name?" She asks sternly.
"Ugh come on michael Clifford!" I say in frustration.
"Age?" She asks again sternly.
"SHES THE LOVE OF MY FREAKING LIFE LET ME IN!!" I scream earning a few stares. She sighs.
"Fine room 183" she grunts and I speed off down the corridor. I run for what seems like forever before I finally reach her door. I run through to see a dead looking Emilee on the bed with icy blue skin.
Emilees POV:
After 10 minutes michael suddenly barges through the door making my weak body flinch. A tear escapes his eye as he sees me and then another escapes mine. He then shoots luke an evil stare.
"This is all your fans fault luke!!" He shouts. Luke jumps up angry and frustrated.
"What are you going to do michael?!" He screams back.
"If your fans never sent all the hate Emilee wouldn't be in this position!!" Michael says.
"That's not my fault!!" Luke shouts.
"YOU COULD OF AT LEAST STOOD UP FOR HER!!" Michael says beginning to cry.
"I did!!!" He screams. Suddenly I find it hard to breathe. And the beeping on my heart monitor rises it says my hearts failing.
"L-L" is all i manage to say. The last thing I hear is:
"EMILEE!!" From lukes mouth.
Authors note----> coz I love you I'm updating now!!!

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