Chapter 26:

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Emilee's POV:
"Heeeeey" I say as I open the door to reveal Maisie and calum.
"Hey emilee" cal says in a weird voices
"Hey calum" is at back mimicking him.
"Hey Emilee!" He says again a little louder.
I giggle hysterically.
"Hey Calum!" I say again in a weird voice. we all walk ok the front door.
"Starbucks is love Starbucks is life come get because I just bought it" Maisie says handing out the starbucks.
"Sweet thanks maisie" i say. we all head over to sod and whack on mean girls 2.
"So maisie what do you have to tell us?" I ask.
"Babe your to far away" Luke whines wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his lap. I snigger at his cuteness.
"Well..." Calum starts.
"We're adopting!!" Maisie shouts making me and Luke jump he nudges me and I nudge back.
"Oh my god that's amazing!" Luke says.
"I know we're getting two twin baby girls named Abbie and Chloe and they come tommorow!!" Says Calum excited.
"Oh my god I'm so happy for you with the wedding next Sunday aswell!" I say.
"I know a lot is happening right now" maisie says. I'm truly happy for them thhe needed something like this so we continue to watch mean girls 2.
"Mean girls 2 is really shit to be honest" I say.
"Yeah it is compared to the first one" Maisie says. Luke and cal are clearly bored.
Calum is playing with Maisie's nose.
"Caaaaaaaaal" se whines.
"Caaaaaaaaal" she whines again.
"Calum Thomas hood your chances of living right now are smalla then a bug so I suggest you cuddle me" she says sternly.
"Of course princess" Calum smiles kissing her nose.
luke is playing with my ear lobe.
"Luke stop" I say countless times.
"Noooo" Luke says arguing the word.
"Luke stop or I'll go cuddle with Maisie"
"No stay with me cos your all I need" Luke sings and I giggle at him.
"YOJ are funny hemmings" I laugh.
"You love me though".
"I know" I giggle.
Authors note---->SORRH it's so short dorm forget to vote and recommend love you all byeee xxx

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