Chapter 14:

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Authors note---->heeeey I'm currently in bed...
Emilee POV:
I woke up on Saturday morning at 6:30am I had to grace was in the bed snuggled up to luke so I had to get out because it was getting hot and making me feel I'll they should be up by 8:00am. Anyway today's the day that me Ellie grace and Maisie go to find our dresses for Maisie's wedding. The boys are going to fund their suits to. I creep over to the bathroom and close the door behind me. I shower wash my hair and do my teeth then head back out. Luke and gracey are still asleep. I smile at their cuteness as grace lies on top of Luke's bare chest cuddling while luke has his long arms cradling over the top of her so she's protected against his chest. He loves her a lot.
I creep over to the wardrobe and take out skinny ripped denim jeans, a tight white crop top, white converse and my grey beanie.once I dry my hair I brush it so it waves behind my back I then pull on my clothes and then pull my beanie over my blonde locks. I then creep downstairs to go make breakfast.
Luke's POV:
My eyes flutter open to the burning sunlight pouting through the window. I rub my eyes then look down at my bare chest to find my baby girl snuggled under the covers on top of me. I chuckle slightly then play with her hair I coil it round my fingers and stroke it. She then moves slightly and lifts her head so she's looking into my eyes. She has my eyes deep blue piercing eyes.
"Well good morning princess funny seeing you here" I smile stroking her little cheeks.
"Hello daddy" she smiles and then runs her tiny fingers up my chest and she giggles.
"Your very warm daddy" she chuckles.
"Am I?" I question smiling.
"Yeah" she then hugs my torso tight and I wrap my arms around her and sit up so she's on my lap.
"Shall I help you get dressed and then we can go find mummy" I say rubbing her nose against mine.
"Yeah I want my mummy" she says rubbing her nose against mine back. I smile.
"Yeah I miss her even though she's downstairs" I say I then sit her on the edge of the bed I pull on my black jeans my "you complete mess" t shirt and some all black converse. I then sit my red SnapBack on my head.
"You look very handsome daddy very handsome" grace smiles running up to me and holding my leg. I smile at her and stick my younger out. I then lift her up off of my leg and into my arms and carry her into her bedroom to get her changed.
Emilees POV:
I make pancakes for us all. And why they cook I go to the mirror and quickly put on mascara and eyeliner. I then run back and take them out the pan I then put the pancakes onto 3 plates and then top them. Grace has strawberrys and cream luke has lemon and sugar. And I have chocolate spread. I then put them on the table just as grace and luke come down. Grace is wearing black skinnies and a little black top that says "daddy's favourite" on it, little black vans and her grey beanie.
"Mummy!" Grace shouts clapping her hands and running into my arms. I twirl her around then sit her on the chair so she can have her breakfast. Me and luke smile at each other before he opens his arms. I run into them and straddle him giving him a massive hug he twirls me around then places a soft kiss on my lips.
"Good morning beautiful" luke whispers in my ear.
"Good morning luke" I smile before placing another soft kiss on his lips. He puts me down and we walk hand in hand to the table. We both sit down and then we all tuck into our pancakes.
----the guys and girls arrive----
Emilees POV:
I open the door so Calum Maisie Michael Ellie Ashton and Ashley can all come in. Maisie runs up to me and gives me a massive hug.
"Dresses today!" She squeals with excitement.
"AUNTIE ELLIE!" Grace shouts while running into Ellie's open arms.
"Hey there gracey" she says giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"UNCLE LUKE!" Shouts Ashley running into Luke's arms.
"Hey buddy" he says once everyone's chatting about what is happening I finally get the chance to say hi to Michael.
"EMILEE!" He shouts
"MIKEY!" I shout I run up to him and he embraces me in a hug.
Michaels POV:
I walked in and it was hard. I still hadn't gotten over her to be honest I never will to be honest I don't want to. I smile and embrace her in my protective arms not wanting to let my dearest and beautiful Emilee go. I nuzzled my face into her neck and breathed in her soothing and relaxing scent.
"Hey there gorgeous" I tell her smiling.
"Hey there mikey" she says it takes everything in me not to kiss her at that very moment. I just smile ather and stare into her hazel brown eyes.
"What are you staring at?" She asks smiling.
"You your just so beautiful" I say back smiling. She blushes and it's the cutest thing ever. I need help to make her mine I just don't know how.
Authors note----> ohhhhh what's mikey gonna do god I do love Michael I'm such a muke girl it's unreal anyway hope you liked it plz vote and recommend love you all byeee xxx

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