Chapter 3:

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Authors note----> soo hope you enjoyed that little bit of drama and there is only one thing I can say now and that's MORE DRAMA!!!
Michaels POV:
"Meet me at the hospital baby Hemmings wants out!!!" screams Emilee down the phone. I start to panic what Should I do? should I tell luke? wait no I'm not going to I love Emilee more than Luke will ever know I'm helping her through this!! not him!! I'm making sure he stays away from her. I'm making her mine...for good this time!! I think to myself.
"Guys I'm getting us Starbucks the usual right?"I say.
Luke's POV:
"Guys I'm getting us Starbucks the usual right?" asks michael. I'm confused right now Michael never goes out to get Starbucks he's to lazy something's my right I'm the one who gets the Starbucks not him.
"Yeah thanks mate?" says Calum almost a question. and then Michael rushes out the door.
"That's weird Michael never gets us all Starbucks that's your job luke" says Ashton coming out from behind the drumkit. I take off my guitar and stare at Calum.
"Yeah strange" Calum says.
----20 mins later----
"Where the hell is michael?" I ask.
"I don't know surely it dosent take almost half an hour to get starbucks" says Ashton puzzled. I decide to turn on my phone. once it's on it suddenly buzzes. it reads "Emilee" with a pink heart next to it and says "(1) new voicemail" I click it and listen and my eyes widen immediately as I hear panting and Emilee's weak voice.
"Luke you need to come quick I have gone into labour baby grace is on her way and she's isn't waiting any longer I'm gonna call Mikey see you at the hospital!" I hear through the line. no? How could Michael do this to me?
"Luke?"asks calum.
"That was Emilee she's gone into labour she called me but my phone was off she called Michael. he lied. he never went to get Starbucks he's gone to the hospital to see Emilee and he never told me. I'm his bestfriend! and he never told me that my baby daughter was being born any second now!!" I shout in frustration. Ashton jumps up and pats my back and starts heading towards the door. Calum pulls me up.
"Come on Luke were going to the hospital" says Ashton and we head to his car. Tears start streaming down my face. I begin to panic. Crap. my baby daughter is nearly here I need to be there to hold her. to hold my Emilee and tell her it's going to be alright.
----at hospital----
Emilee's POV:
"Ok em were here let's go!" shouts Ellie. Maisie helped me up and I scream out in pain.
"Sh is ok em I've got you" Maisie soothes. suddenly nurses come rushing out and help me inside. Ellie grabs my bag and we head into the hospital. once we get into the room I put on a hospital to a and lie down on the bed.
"Ok miss I'm going to help deliver your baby today" said the nurse. I breathe heavily once more.
"Now right now your baby isn't at enough down the womb to be delivered but hopefully in a few hours time she will be in your arms" I begin to rematch normally once more. Maisie and Ellie sit beside me. I begin to cry.
"It hurts so bad" I sob into Ellie's chest.
"It's going to be ok Emilee soon you will have a beautiful baby girl in your arms" soothes ellie.
Suddenly Michael bursts through the door.
"MICHAEL!" I scream and he runs towards me.
"Oh my freaking god Emilee are you ok?!" Michael says taking me into his grip.
"Yes I'm fine but she will be here in a few hours" I pant. Then Luke burst through the door looking angry and frustrated and sad at the same time.
"MICHAEL!" he screams angrily. what's happening?
Authors note----> so lots of drama right now yes hope your enjoying though love you all byeee xxx

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