Chapter 25:

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Authors note---->hey guys I wasn't happy with chapter 25 so I'm re writing it I don't like how Maisie and Calum split up so I'm not gonna make then split up cos the wedding is on it's way and yeah I'm carrying it on from Emilee's and Luke's rain session so yeah enjoy love you all bye
Emilee's POV:
I walked in from the rain with Luke not that far behind.
"Ha babe your back is covered in mud" Luke says.
"Shut up Luke I'm running the bath" I say and head upstairs. I head upstairs and immediately strip out of my soggy dirty smelly clothes and throw then in the wash basket. I then throw my hair up in a messy bun and start running the bath. I hear Luke clanking downstairs and dropping things. I chuckle to myself.
"Dork" I say.
Once the bath half full I put in vanilla scented bubble bath to create sweet vanilla smelling bubbles. once it's done I slide myself in. the warm water sinks into my skin and makes me feel relaxed.
"Oh my god" I whisper it's so relaxing. I open my eyes to find Luke at the door.
"you scared me you dick!" I laugh.
"Sorry babe can I get in with you?" Luke asks blushing. to be honest I wanted Luke in the bath with me. he's a god cuddled when he's in the bath. Luke climbs on leaving his black skinnies on.
"The point Luke you could of just taken them off!" I giggle.
"Nah it's cool besides it's confuse for you to sit on me" Luke laughs and kisses my temple.he lies down with me lying on his chest I was on my stomach.
"Luke I wish I was a mermaid" I say kissing his chest.
"Your such a dork emilee" he whispers kissing my head.
"Calum and Maisie should come over" Luke suggests rubbing my back.
"Yeah I'll text Maisie when we get out" I say smiling.
"You would make a beautiful mermaid" Luke says.
"Thankyou babe could you be my merman?" I ask.
"Of course I'll be your merman" he says back. I look up and give him a long passionate kiss.
"Come on let's invite those love birds over oh and grace will be back in about 1 hour" I smile.
"Ok baby cool cool I've missed my little girl" he says dorkishly smiling with his teeth.
Once we get out I comb my hair through and put on some moisturiser.
"Shit Luke I need help" I whine.
"What's up em?" Luke asks.
"I don't know what to wear" I giggle.
"I know what you need honey" Luke says then walks to my draw he picks out black studded shorts and one of his nirvana tops. he then gets me out black frilly socks and black vans.
"Nice going babe" I say.
"You look hot in my tops so why not might aswell get a bit turned on during the day" Luke says smirking and biting his lip.
"We will just have to see won't we?" I say and wink at him. he giggles and I ten pull on my clothes I throw my blonde locks up into a messy bun and then put on eyeliner and mascara. I perch myself on the bed and start tying my vans up.
I get interrupted when Luke pulls me down and kisses me from the other side of the bed.
"Like I said you look hot in my tops" he giggles.
"I love you alottle it's a little but a lot" I say blushing.
"I love you lots like jelly tots beat that" Luke smiles I give him one last kiss before sitting up again.and thing my right shoe.
Luke heads downstairs so I text maisie.
"Hey babe wanna come over for a movie night you and cal can stay in the spare room xxx"
She replies instantly.
"Yeah we would love to we have something to tell you to ;) be over in 5 usual for Starbucks yeah? Xxx"
This is why I love her.
"Yes pwease love you xxx"
"Love you too xxx"
I put my phone in my pocket and head downstairs.
"Hey lukey cal and Maisie will be over in 5 and they are picking up Starbucks and they also HAE something to tell us" I say hugging luke.
"Ok cool" Luke says picking up his guitar.
"Emilee guess what?" Luke asks.
"What" I say turning round to face luke.
"I love you I love you I love you I love you" Luke sins strumming his guitar.
"Awww" I say scrunching up my nose.
"Wait do that again" Luke says so I scrunch up my nose and pout Luke snaps a picture. I walk up to him and slide up under his arms and hug his lower torso while my legs slipped into a half split.
"On instagram" Luke says lifting me up and kissing my nose.
I scroll through Instagram seeing te picture That Luke tagged me in.
@luke_is_a_penguin: damn girl how did you get so fine? Freaking world!!!😻❤️
@e.xilee: AWWW baaaaabe😘❤️
I reply then the door goes.
"Maisie and cal are here!!" I say then rush to the door.
Authors note---->sk yeah re wrote it cos I really love Maisie and cal together and what's happening with cal and Maisie what's the thing they want to tell Emilee and Luke also thanks for 536 reds means a lot love you all don't forget to cow and recommend byeee xxx

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