Chapter 45:

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Authors note----> oh my we have 3.48k reads I think!!!! Thankyou all so much you have all gotten this book so so so so far and I'm so so so so grateful I love you all enjoy byeee xxx
Emilees POV:
"She's dancing alone I'm ready to go but she's so lost in stereo lost in stereo she's outta control so beautiful in stereo lost in stereo" I sing quietly at freaking 5:47 in the morning. my head is surprise there. IVE been considering going to the doctor about it but it's just headaches I swear...maybe I'm stressed? Yeah stressed. that's it.
I trudge out of the bathroom and see Luke still soundly sleeping. I'm not waking him up this time. I think quietly to myself. I throw on ripped black skinnies and button up my red and black flannel I then pull on my black vans and head downstairs.
"Ugh" I moan at how early it is. I'll go out. yeah I need some air on my face. I grab my phone and headphones and walk out the door.
"I've got your picture I'm coming with you dear Maria count me in" I sing while heading into the ice cream parlour. ice cream parlour open at 6:45 in the morning? Who cares? I think and walk in.
"Ah your up early now what can I get ya?" Says the old man.
"Cookies and cream please" I say shoving $4 over the counter.
"Coming right up" the guy says and heads out back. my head pounded and pounded making me whimper a little. my head is literally going to explode I can feel it.
"Ah" I gasp and grab my head.
"You alright missy?" Asks the man handing me the ice cream.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine thanks" I say and smile and simply wave before heading out the shop. I plug my headphones in and listen to fall out boy.
"I'm gonna change you like a Phoenix then I'll raise you like a Phoenix" I say shovelling the ice cream into my mouth.
I chuck the carton in the bin and proceed to walk the last 10 minutes home seeing as it's now 7:30am luke should be up soon. I look around like some deranged lost person. suddenly I don't feel myself. my head is pounding as hard as it can it's never hurt this much before.
"OW GOD"I shout and grab my head in my hands. I can't walk and my vision goes blurry again.
"No no no no I can do this just walk emilee" I say to myself tears now pouring down my face. my head hurts so much I felt like I was going to die there and then.
"No please!" I shout.
and then it's black...everywhere.
Lukes POV:
Grace is still asleep for a minute so I decide to not wake her and to go find emilee. I pull on black skinnies and a fall out boy t shirt with my black vans and grey beanie then head downstairs.
"Emilee?" I say into the empty kitchen.
"Em babe you there?" I say again into the living room this time. what? Where could she be? She normally never just leaves maybe she went for a walk yeah her head hurt a lot maybe she needed some air...yeah that's probably it.
Well it's 7:45am she should be back soon. I decide to make waffles for us all.

"I wanna feel weightless and live it up jus be-"I was cut off by grace walking in.
"Daddy?" She says rubbing her eyes I could see she had gotten dressed herself. she was wearing black skinnies with a blink-182 top except her top was back to front.
"Morning baby girl" I say walking over to her and adjusting her top she also was wearing her black bobble beanie.
"What time is it?" She asks
"It's 8:20am and time for waffles" I smile at her I lift her up in my arms and take her to the table. I squirt cream on her waffles and then begin to pace.
It's now 8:35. 8:35!!!! And Emilee still isn't back. I'm beginning to panic now she hasn't been back for a good hour and a half. I decide to call her.
Emilees POV:
My eyes flutter open and I flinch as the sunlight pours into them. my back stiffens as I lay against the cold Pavement that I had fell to. my phone was buzzing.
"H-hello" I say into the phone without bothering to check the id.
"Where are you I'm so worried babe?!" It's Luke and he seems worried.
"I'm 10 minutes away Luke...i collapsed b-because of my head"i say staring to feel dizzy again.
"Ok I'm coming a-" I interrupt.
"Luke hurry I-I don't t-t-think I can stay awake much l-longer" I stutter whimpering down the phone.
"I'm coming Emilee I love you so much just stay strong" I nod forgetting he can't see me.
"O-ok l-luke I love you t-t-to" I say a drop my phone.
Once again everything becomes black and I'm alone.

Authors note----> well that took a turn for the worst...anyway hope you enjoyed it I love you all don't forget to vote and recommend love you all byeee xxx

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