Chapter 38:

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Authors note----> hai guys so this is chapter 38. I just want to say thanks so much for 5.8k on book 1 and 2.04k on book 2 it means te world to have gotten both my books this fat so thanks all so much love you all byeee xxx
Emilees POV:
It's been a week since Luke got out of hospital. he has to rest a lot which means That unfortunately postpones his band practise. Ashton and Ellie are coming over today Morgan took grace to her childminder and Ashley is at his nans so it's just us. Luke is still asleep. for some reason I've been getting up early it's only 8:36am that's not me. I pull on black leggings with a black and grey checked skirt with 2 leather buckles at the top, a tight black long sleeved top and black converse. I throw my hair up in a messy ponytail and tie a now round it. I put on winged eyeliner and mascara and then head downstairs.
"Uuugghh" I groan to myself. I've been feeling so rough lately. and I don't know why.
I decide to call my bestfriend.
Ellie: hey babe you ok?
Emilee: I'm fine yeah are you and ash still coming over?
Ellie: of course!
Emilee: ok good see ya in a bit love ya
Ellie: byeee love ya to
And then the phone call ends.
"Babe?" Luke comes downstairs rubbing his eyes.
"Hey" I say and look down holding my head. before I can say anything else I feel his hands underneath me lei fringe me up. I straddle him and bury my head in his neck. For some reason I begin to cry.
"SH baby girl what's wrong?" Luke soothes.
"I don't know Luke I've just been so rough lately and I don't know why I can't eat sleep or anything I find it hard to even freaking standup" I cry into his neck. literally my whole body aches. especially my head. he brings my face to his and kisses my jawline.
"Im going to help make you feel better" he soothes and rocks me back and forth.
"How?" I sniffle.
"By loving you unconditionally" he says kissing my head. I instantly smile.
"Luke?" I ask.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" I ask I don't know why I did but I just did.
"Yeah I guess it's just a thing that comes naturally when you feel you make that connection with TAHT special someone" he says with a very focused expression.
"What about you?" He asks.
"At first I didn't but then something changed" I say.
"What changed?" He asks confused.
"You came along" I smile. he instantly smiles a teethy grin.
"You fell inlove with me at first sight?" Luke questions still smiling. I did I naturally did it was outside campus with my old roommate Christina.
"Yeah I did ever since I set my eyes on you I loved you even more each day" I smile.
"I was the exact same with you" Luke whispers and presses his soft lips against mine. the kiss gets even more heated as we continue to love our mouthed in sync. he pushes me up against the wall with hunger and lust in his eyes. he licks my bottom lip and I open my mouth so I can let his tongue slide in.
His tounge swivelled and twirled round mine. we pressed our hot bodies against eachother until there was literally no more space left. he curled his tounge round mine I tugged a little bit at his hair making moan out a soft moan.
He then but my bottom lip and pulled at it. making me moan exactly like he did.
"Your so hot" Luke says to me.
"Nope that's you" and I feel his smirk against my lips as our heated make our session continues. I brake away. and put my nose against his.
"Your so good at make out sessions" I say smirking.
"I know I have the perfect partner to" he smirks. I press my lips against his once more before getting down off of him. I start to walk to the kitchen but Luke runs up behind me and waist hugs me. he picks me up from my waist and swings me around.
"Oh luuuuke" I laugh hysterically.
"Weeeeeee" Luke shouts still spinning.
"You sound high Luke!" I scream still laughing.
"I don't care to be honest" he says stopping and letting me down.
"I hate you" I say as I stare into his piercing blue eyes.
"I hate you even more" Luke states back grinning I grab the hem of his shirt and smash my lips against his once more.
"No I mean I really really hate you" I say into the kiss.
"Same I hate you beyond compare" he says back we brake away and he hugs me tight.
"I hate luke"I say burying my face in his chest.
"I hate emilee" Luke says back. we both laugh at our childishness and hug tighter.
Authors note----> this was cute :) I hope you liked it don't forget to vote and recommend I love you all byeee xxx

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