Chapter 28:

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Authors note----> heeeeey I hope y'all is ok!!!! Thanks so much for how far this book has gotten it about 800 and something so thanks so much!!!! Anywaaaaaay I hope you enjoy the chapter love you lots byeee xxx
Emilee's POV:
I woke up at 7:30am Luke was still sound asleep. so I snapped a picture and peeled myself out of his grip and of of the soft white bed sheets. today was the day that me Luke Ellie Michael Ashton and Grace go to see Maisie's and cals new adopted twins. I decide to invite Morgan and troye they won't mind that they tag along.
Hey there baaaaabe I was wondering would you and troye like to come to the beach? Xxx ?
He replied 10 minutes later:
Of course baby we'd love to when should I see you there? Xxx
9:00am? Xxx
Sounds good see ya soon! Xxx
I put my phone back ok the side table and walk into the bathroom. there was no pint in showering seeing as I'm going in the salty sea. I brush my teeth and wash my face and then head back out. Luke is now lying in his stomach and he's showing his bare back.
"Woah..."I trail off. oh shut up emilee just get dressed! I say to myself. I head over to my wardrobe and pull out a white bikini It wasn't to over the top. it had little bows where the pants tied on the sides and on the back and the neck. and then the front of the bra and knickers were just white. I like it because if was cute and simple. I throw on some denim shorts over my pants, throw my hair in in a messy pony tail. and a white see through Komodo around my shoulders I then sit my black raybans on my head and grab my baby blue flip flops.
Seeing as Luke and Grace won't be up for another hour I decide to pack their towels and swimming cossies. Luke will probably put them on when we gets up so I'll leave them on the end of the bed. but I throw down towels into a bag and then creep into graces room. she's still sound asleep so I head over to her drawers.
I pull out a mint green swimming costume it had grill round the top and around the leg holes. I throw it in the bag and then grab her little white flip flops.
"M-mummy" she stutters sitting up and opening her bright blue eyes. her blonde hair is everywhere as she pulls herself up.
"Hey there beautiful are you ready for the beach?" I ask.
"Hell yeah I am" says Luke from behind. his piercing blue eyes staring into my big brown ones. he stands there shirtless wearing his black and white swimming trunks. his hair is in all different places.
"Aw babe your drooling" Luke says coming over to me and kissing my head.
"It's not my fault I like what I see!"
"Me neither" Luke says licking his lips.
I laugh. he then places a soft kiss on my nose and takes grace in his arms. he slips on his black flip flops slides his red snap back onto his head backwards and then sits his black ray bans across his face.
"See you in the car babe" he smirks and then heads downstairs with grace in his arms. I smile and grab the bag before running to the car.
----at the beach----
"OH MY GOD EMILEE!" Ellie shouts running up to me taking me in her arms as we step onto the hot sand.
"ELLIE!" I scream and run up to her. I then see Maisie with Calum with each of them holding a tiny baby!
"Hey em" Calum says smiling placing a kiss on my cheek. grace and Ashley run over to all the guys towels.
"This is Abi and this is chloe" Maisie's says letting us have a good look at the little babies.
"Aww" me and Luke say.
"EMILEE BABE" Morgan says running up to me.
"MORGAN OH MY GOD" I say and take him in my arms. we talk and catch up before I see michael. for some reason tension happens between Michael and Luke but they act normal.
"Hey beautiful" Michael says taking me in a hug and kissing my nose.
"Hey there mikey" i laugh. I feel Lukes arm snake round my waist.
"Mine" Luke whispers in my war I playfully slap his chest. and we giggle.
we all head over to the towels and set up. I whip my shorts off and Komodo so I'm just standing there in my bikini I feel Luke's eyes on me.
"Your so hot" Luke says he then runs up behind me and lifts me up bridal style while taking em into the water. once were in it becomes a me and him moment.
I straddle him and wrap my arms around his neck. he bites his lip.
"I can't wait to have the after party tonight" Luke says biting his lip.
"What after party?" I smirk.
"Our after party" Luke smirks back seductively. I know exactly what he wants.
"Well me neither then" I say biting my lip.
"You turn me on so badly!" Luke says with hunger in his eyes. I roll my eyes and crag my lips onto his. he licks my bottom lip begging for engrave so I let him. Our tounges battle for dominance. as it turns into a mini make out session.
"your still turning me on real bad" Luke says biting his lip. I lift my head up and then feel him sucking lightly on my neck. I feel a trail of small love bites being left down my neck and across my shoulder.
"I love you so much" Luke says.
"I love you to" I say. I suck back lightly on his neck making him let out a small moan. I lift my head back up and crash our lips together again. we kiss with hunger and lust.
"Babe?" Luke asks.
"Yeah" I ask.
"Be prepared...your gonna end up with more love bites tonight" Luke says.
"So are you hemmings trust me" I say. and he smashes his lips down on mine again.
authors note----> hope you liked it everyone don't forget to vote and recommend love you all byeee xxx

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