Chapter 27:

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Authors note---->heeeeey so sorry i haven't updated quite so frequently I have been grounded...*sadly cries* anyway I'm very thank ful because book one is almost at 5k reads!!!! Right now it stands at 4.96k reads I think. but yeah thank you all so so so much it means a lot also book 2 is nearly at 700 reads I think so woop woop thankyou all so much for voting and recommending it means a lot love you all byeee xxx
Emilees POV:
Grace came back earlier and she was thrilled to see us. she was very very tired though. so I dressed her in her baby blue nightie and put her to bed. luke has popped out to go get something I don't know what though. but ashton Ellie me luke and Mikey will be heading over to Sydney golden sand beach for the day were also meeting up with maisie and cal because they have adopted their new twins so yeah. eventful day ahead.
"Goodnight sunshine" I say and kiss grace lightly on the head when she finally falls asleep and creep out. I silently close her door behind me and head to mine and lukes room.
I head over to my wardrobe and pick out black ripped leggings a white vest top and a black oversized sweat shirt that reads "luke Hemmings is my boyfriend" yet another piece of merch that luke designed himself for their online shop. he thinks I look cute in his own band merch so who cares. yolo. I then pull on some dark grey ugh boots with sheep skin in the inside and leave my hair to flow down my back. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to the kitchen.
"Maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year" I sang to all time low as they played through my headphones. I grab a muffin and a glass of water and sit up on the counter facing the door ready for luke to come back.
"Ping" went my phone saying that I had a text message.
Heeeeeey baby girl!!! What are your favourite flowers again... ;) xxxx <3
I giggled knowing his was getting my favourite flowers.
Hey baby my faves are white or baby pink roses xxxx <3
He replied instantly.
Ok good be back in 10 love ya to the moon and back byeee xxxx <3
I bite my lip. wow he is amazing. I look through Instagram.
"50 comments, 2678 likes and 341 followers" read my notification.
"Wow" I simply say and laugh at myself.
I decide to take a selfie. so me being me I cross my eyes and stick out my tongue. I entered the caption.
"When bae walks through the door" @Luke_is_a_penguin
"What am I doing with my life" I ask myself. I proceeded to wait for luke. I then hear the front door handle. and then the door swings open to reveal a teeth smiling luke.
"Heeeey I got you something" luke says smiling.
"Aw babe you didn't have to really" I say smiling back.
"I didn't know which one to get they were both your fave so I bought them both" luke says handing me to bunches of flowers one of Baby pink roses and another white roses.
"Alsoooooo" like drags the "o".
"I brought pizza and sims 4" luke says holding them up.
"Thank you so much luke" I say and give him a kiss on the lips.
"No problem honey" luke says smiling. I put the flowers all together in a vase and place them on the kitchen table. I then open the pizza box and breathe in the beautiful mouth watering scent. I take the box over to the lounge and we sit on the floor.
"You've done good hemmings" I say smirking taking a bite out of my pizza.
"I know" luke says smiling. I scroll through Instagram. and find that luke has tagged me in one of his pics. it's a picture of me eating pizza. oh my god. I thought the caption read.
"She's better than pizza tbh❤️" @e.xilee I laugh at him.
"Really luke" I say showing him his picture.
"True though" luke says smiling. i smile back. we finish our pizza and put on sims 4.
"Let's do a twitchy while playing it!" Luke says excitedly.
"Oh my god yes" I say and set up my Apple MacBook and log into Lukes twitter. I go to set up sims 4 in the xbox. while I hear luke speaking to the camera.
"Hey everyone it's luke and I'm joined by someone very special today...emilee come say hi" luke says looking above the computer screen.
"Hey" I say taking a seat next to luke and passing him his controller.
"We're playing sims 4 today" luke says giggling.
"I don't know what to do" luke whines.
"Well we have to do something that's the game" I laugh and luke sits forward and starts laughing.
"Just make them look really ugly" luke laughs.
"Ok then" I say and make one really fat with massive breasts. luke giggles uncontrollably.
"Luke that looks nothing like me!" I laugh.
"Of course it doesn't your way prettier!" Luke says. comments were coming through on the twitca am like:
"They are so perfect I might cry" and
"Oh my god the cuteness is to much" it made me smile and happy that people were supporting our relationship.
"Well that's it for today thanks for your support your the best fans in the world I love you loads bye" luke says then shuts down the computer. he lies down and pulls me on top of him.
"Your all that I want when your lying here in my arms I'm finding hard to believe we're in heaven" luke sings softly.
"Emilee?" Luke asks and I lie on my stomach so our eyes meet.
"Yes luke?" I say.
"I'm home when your in my arms" he smiles. and presses his lips against mine and gives me a soft kiss.
"Me to luke I love you so much" I say.
"I love you to Emilee so so much"
Authors note----> awwww what a cute chapter I loved writing that I just really love writing cute chapters I hope you liked it. don't forget to vote and recommend I love you all byeee xxx

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