Disney! Disney! Disney!

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Me: Hey, guys! Welcome to another episode of "Ask Musical Characters"...

(In the background)

Anna of Cleves: (Singing karaoke, everyone is singing along with her) You, you said that I tricked ya, 'cause I, I didn't look like my profile picture...

Me: Yeah, I hooked up a karaoke machine, and they've been having lots of fun, but we need to start today's episode. (Gets an air horn, blows it)

Everyone: AAAAAUGH!

Lafayette: (Screams stuff in French)

Anne Boleyn: You DO know I can understand you, right, Laf?

Me and the queens: What did he say?

Anne Boleyn: He said... (whispers in my ear)

Me: Wow! That's NOT repeatable. Thanks for not saying it where everyone can hear.

(The karaoke track for "Get Down" is still playing.)

Anna of Cleaves: Aw, man! I didn't get to the good part yet!

J.D.: I was actually enjoying this song!

Jane Seymour: And it's my favorite song other than my own!

Lafayette: And that was quite an unwelcome surprise!

Me: (Turns the machine off) Well, karaoke can wait later. It's time to start. Today's request is from SamBam260


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Usnavi: Oh, we get to watch a Disney short? 

Vanessa: It would be nice to have a hit of nostalgia! 

Usnavi: Y'know, Sonny used to watch Disney a lot when he was a little kid.

Sonny: Okay, can we, like, NOT talk about that?

Nina: Oh, I remember back then! He was so cute!

Sonny: Ninaaa..!

Benny: Yep, everyone in the Barrio has watched Disney when they were younger, but now that we're adults, we don't watch it as much, but Disney always has a special place in our hearts!

Me: I'm so glad to hear that! Disney DOES make some great movies, don't they?

Benny: Yep!

Philip: What's "Disney"?

Me: Disney is one of the biggest film studios in the country, if not the world. They make movies, but today, we'll watch an animated short film.

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