Watching Musicals Part II + A Question

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Hamilton: Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to today's Ham4- I mean episode of "Ask--

Me: HEY! I start the episodes! Hi, guys, welcome to another episode of "Ask Musical Characters"! Say hi, everyone!

Vanessa: Hi, everyone!

Catherine of Aragon: Hi!

J.D.: (Waves)

Me: So, today, we are going to continue watching our musicals one at a time, but first, we have a question from Glittersilver!

King George: Who's it for?

Me: That's for me to know and you guys to find out. Anyway, here it is:

The queens: (An awkward beat of silence, then they all argue on who's the best queen)

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The queens: (An awkward beat of silence, then they all argue on who's the best queen)

Me: Guys. GUYS! Stop it! You guys are all amazing queens, so stop fighting! 

Anne Boleyn: Hey! It's not MY fault I'm the most favored queen by the Queendom [A/N: That's the fandom name of "Six"]! Anyway, thanks for the compliments about me and my song! Anyway, my day as a royal ex-wife starts with me and baby Elizabeth having some time of our own until I have to attend to royal business. Maggie, my lady in waiting, is the one who keeps me sane when I'm REALLY busy. Kids, royal life is hard, and it's not all glitz and glamor, especially since you guys know who my husband is. Anyway, then the queens and I get together each night to perform for you guys! We have so much fun meeting the Queendom and just sharing the energy together! 

Anna of Cleves: 'Scuse me, can we go back a second on the royal life is hard part? 'Cause I didn't get that note.

The other queens: You had it easy!

Anna of Cleves: Yep, that's right! My life is fabulous!

King George: Same here!

Me: Well, thanks for answering the question, Anne! Okay, so the musical we are watching today is "In The Heights"!


Everyone except the "Heights" characters: (Confused)

Me: Yep, that's right! "Wepa" indeed. And we got the TV fixed, so that's great. Okay, so there isn't a professional production of "In The Heights" playing anywhere. Unfortunately, that means we're going to have to resort to bootlegs. There is one of the original Broadway cast. 

Angelica: I'm so excited to see what's in store!

Lafayette: Me, too!

Daniela: We're so excited to share our story with you guys!

Me: Well, let's get to it!

Mulligan: Yeah! I'm psyched!

[During "In The Heights"]

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