Fanfics- Part 1

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[A/N: Before you readers put me on the business ends of your bayonets, I'm SO SO sorry for not updating last week! I forgot about updating last Sunday...thank you guys for understanding. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving break!]

Me: Hey, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Musical Characters React!

Angelica: How did you all spend Thanksgiving break?

Veronica: I spent it at home with J.D., watching lots of movies!

Me: Watching lots and lots of Glee. I'm obsessed!

Anne Boleyn: Oh my God, yes! Who's your favorite character?

Me and Anne Boleyn: (at the same time) SANTANA!

(We cheer)

Catherine of Aragon: Yeah, we queens watched quite a bit of Glee, too. And other stuff on Netflix.

King George: I spent my thanksgiving in my palace, but it was pretty boring since we could not gather.

Eliza: We had a Thanksgiving meal, but with only our intermediate family, just Alexander and the kids

Me: That sounds fun.

Usnavi: Thanksgiving break was pretty uneventful for us, normally we would have gathered and had a big potluck meal, but, y'know...COVID.

Me: Okay, so no200flypls requested that we read fanfics guys! So I asked the viewers which ones we should react to. This first one we're going to react to was requested by aprofessionaleliza. It's called Hamilton Elementary, and it's, surprise, surprise, a Hamilton elementary school AU.

The Hamilton characters: Ooh!

Me: Okay, let's get to it!

(I hook up my laptop to the Smart TV and go on Wattpad to find Hamilton Elementary)

Nina: Oh! So Washington is the teacher!

Me: Yep.

Usnavi: Okay, Laurens, I know that your views are different from your dad's, but WHY the heck would he say that all immigrants have herpes?

Laurens: Yeah, my dad is NOT a good guy....I'm very sorry about that.

Veronica: "Two pints of Sam Adams" and in elementary school??

Heather M.: Well, it's a "wanna be friends?" note...and looks like Alex said yes!

Hamilton: Heh, Jefferson's late for school even though he lives, like, five minutes away!

Heather D.: Okay, but why aren't we talking about the fact that the characters are in elementary school yet they know what herpes is?

Sonny: Ooh! A rap battle at recess! Shots fired!

Catherine Parr: Ooh! And Angelica comes into the plot!

Vanessa: base is NOT a kiss on the cheek!

Veronica: Yeah. Ooh! The rap battle is starting...Aaaaaand Hamilton just punched Jefferson in the face.


Angelica: Wow, I like elementary school me! She's got spunk!

(We all agree. A chapter later)

Me: So it's, like, the Winter's Ball scene...

Eliza: Ooh! And James Reynolds ruins Maria's dress...and Maria kisses Alexander's cheek and holds his hand

Anna of Cleves: Ooh, so it's the Winters Ball and the affair smooshed together?

Me: Seems it

King George: Wait, why am I, like, not in this?

Peggy: Oop, looks like James found out about what happened.


Burr: Wait, what, I am trans in this story?

Hamilton: I guess so...and Jefferson is being such a jerk about it.

Burr: Let me just state for the record, in real life, I am cis.

Carla: And meanwhile, the "affair" goes on.

Katherine Howard: Oof...and poor Philip...

Philip:...I'm a preschooler in this?

Peggy: Wow...Angelica went off on the chat in Club Penguin!

Angelica: In real life, I would be much more decent about my language, of course.

King George: Am I STILL not in this story? Ugh!


Eliza: Why is Alexander puking blood?!

Jane Seymour: Poor Alex...

(In the next chapter)

King George: FINALLY! I show up! And I'm the principal!

Veronica: Hey! What's with pushing gender stereotypes on Lafayette?!

Mulligan: Heh...meanwhile Alex is quarantined...aren't we all right now? (Gasps) Oh no...his mom died...

(A moment of silence. Later)

Angelica: Ooh! We're protesting about what happened to Lafayette!

J.D.: Oh, looks like it gained some traction!

Laurens:...and my dad's still being a huge jerk.


Katherine Howard: So...last chapter...

Heather D.: Yep...Alex is going away to the Caribbean...

Laurens: Yep...and he...wait...we...we kiss?

(Laurens, Hamilton, and Eliza look at each other awkwardly)

Me: Well...that's the end! What did you guys think?

Catherine of Aragon: That was a good AU fanfic.

King George: I wish I had a bigger part!

Vanessa: I liked it, I wanna read more Hamilton fanfics later!

Heather D.: Eh, not my favorite Hamilton fanfic, but it was okay

Me: Okay...all right, that's all the time we have for Musical Characters React! Feel free to comment, request, and vote!

Everyone: Bye!

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