Video Games Gone Terribly Wrong

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Me: Hey, guys! 

Anna of Cleves: HI!

Usnavi: Yo!

Hamilton: Hello!

Lafayette: Bonjour!

J.D.: (Waves, sips Slurpee)

Me: Welcome to--

Anne of Cleves:...the haus! To the haus of Holbein...

The queens: JA!!!

Me: Um... queens, I DO love myself some Six, but we need to get this episode started. 

King George: Well, get on with it, already!

Heather C.: Yeah!

Me: Okay, today's request is from SamBam260.

Me: Okay, today's request is from SamBam260

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Laurens: Ooh! Video games. What will we play?

Philip: All right!

Me: So, I hooked up a Wii U to the TV, and we will be playing Mario Kart 8.

Heather D.: Mario Kart? (Scoffs) Lame!

Me: And just for that, it's off to the timeout corner. Veronica, will you do the honors?

Veronica: Gladly! (Drags Heather to the timeout corner)

Lafayette: Well, I'm glad SHE'S not playing!

Me: (Turns on the TV and puts on Mario Kart) So, we will be playing Mario Kart, four at a time. I will use Wheel Decide, and one person from each musical will play.  Okay, first of all, who does NOT want to play?

Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, King George, Katherine Howard: Me. I don't like video games.

Me: Okay, anybody else? No? Okay. On my laptop, I have four tabs for Wheel Decide, and I'll spin them and tell you guys who goes first. Each set of four people will play once, and we will play until everyone who wants to play has played. Okay...from Team Hamilton, we have Madison! (Gives Madison a controller)

Madison: Who, me?

Me: Yep! From Team Heathers, we have Heather M.! (Gives Heather a controller)

Heather M.: Awesome! Wow!

King George: HEY, THAT'S MY LINE!

Me: And from Team Heights, we have Sonny! (Gives Sonny a controller)

Sonny: WHOO! 

Me: And the queen who will be playing is... Parr! (Gives Parr a controller)

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